Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

We were right to be worried buddy. I really hope everyone understands that now

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Weā€™re all fucked.

Calm down pet weā€™ll get through this

Keep you head up, your chest out and your dick hard brother.
Your country needs you to be strong now more than ever

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Calm down, Carlin.

@ChairmanDan just didnā€™t want to see Diego mugging off his beloved England.

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Who exactly is this ā€œdissidentā€?

If youā€™re reading the Epoch Times, youā€™re reading laughable propaganda.

Neither quinine nor azithromycin are antiviral mate, not really.
The rest of your post is too ill thought out to warrant further comment.
You have a habit of reading whatever you want to in a post, and then arguing something that was never put in the first place.

Different countries have different challenges. Broadly speaking though there are three categories of people, the great majority that are following the rules and helping out, a subset mostly young who think itā€™s a bit of a laugh and a good talking to at first and maybe a sterner measure like the French are doing with fines. Then there are very small minority that are taking advantage, breaking into peopleā€™s homes, trying to scam old people over the phone or online.

Iā€™m not sure what we should do with the last group, the courts are falling apart as there are no jurors etc. itā€™s going to take some fairly heavy handed measures if this goes on and the scumbag are not tackled. I think here it will be the national guard on the streets or maybe the army.

Take your own advice mate. I donā€™t say a word about the antibiotic. Do your own research on the limited studies that have been done on quinine and hydrochloroquine. There is some evidence it interferes with the process by which the virus enters the cell, and we know it slows down an immune response as itā€™s been used for RA and Lupus for decades.

Why do you think China is doing a clinical trial? Why do you think US medical facilities are starting to use it on COVID-19 patients? Because we are in an emergency and need treatment options really badly. People are dying mate we have to try different things and we donā€™t have a vaccine.

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This will turn your stomachā€¦

Stay strong guys. I can find my resolve is flagging a little but Iā€™ll hopefully build it up again by morning.

God bless you all.


I have empathy for you and your Italian roots. It must be especially hard for you to see what is happening.

I donā€™t have the words to try and encourage you.


My take on it art is that it is so infectious, and so durable, that most people will get it. Itā€™s a totally false analogy. A better analogy is that you have to eat one of fifty skittles, of which one will make you very Iā€™ll.
Youā€™d fancy your chances.
This is all about so called flattening the curve, rather than reducing the overall number I would think, but itā€™s all guesswork, like everything thing else.

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For someone that is vulnerable, all the skittles might as well be poisonous.

We all need to behave as if weā€™re vulnerable

My point is that I suspect, sooner or later, the vast majority will contract the disease. In the vast majority of those it will be a relatively minor ailment. These measures are not about reducing overall numbers, they are about spreading them out into smaller peaks.

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The reality is this virus is everywhere, its been spreading for the past two months and most people didnā€™t even know they had it for one to two weeks during incubation, or maybe thought they had a cold. Meanwhile people were leaving it behind on surfaces everywhere. At this stage itā€™s more like all the skittles are infected, or thatā€™s what you have to assume.

Agree with you we all have a high likelihood of getting it at some point in the coming months, and the great majority will survive it and most will not need hospitalization. But itā€™s a hell of a moral dilemma on all kinds of fronts, the extremes health care workers are being put to are a bit frightening. thereā€™s a lot of them coming down with it and they are in very heavy viral load environments. There might have to be a plan B soon I think.


A pillow case full of door knobs

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Agree 100%

The ones not taking it seriously are idiots sadly and you canā€™t reason with an idiot.

You can however arrest, beat or shoot and idiot.

Hereā€™s to shooting idiots .