Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™d say that was just down to the Mangans landing there to rebuild it!

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This is the thing people are in denial about.

What day are we calling this since the mood of the country changed? Day 10?

I would classify Thursday 12th March as the days when I felt this is unavoidable, we are nearing Armageddon.

Good night guys.

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I read the first line and the jingle from law and order just entered my mind

This is the most negative Iā€™ve been. Hopefully tomorrow things around Europe pick up and thereā€™s more hope.

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Hows the isolation going.
Try not to get down every day down is s day closer to the end of this virus

Itā€™s savage boring but intense in other ways. I broke from routine today and it hit me like a brick wall. Tomorrow is a new day at least and we will all get through this together.

I have.been out 3 times in a week just to go the shops and to let the kids out for a walk and a game or two of kerbs.

I have got into a routine of not watching the news and just reading the occasional headline online.
have the mother In a hospice since Tuesday so the mrs has been out a bit.

The glass is always half full


Day before that for me. Mentioned at the time my DART journey into work and people jostling and barging into each other and so on. Everyone was incredibly tetchy and on edge and things seemed to have deteriorated overnight. The thing had been building up, people were aware of it and the mood had been changing, but this was different. I havenā€™t been back to the office or on public transport since then.

My worry in the UK is that itā€™s only today itā€™s sinking in.

You lads are lucky that your government is meeting this head on. Our repulsive cretinous executive have completely lost the plot, not that they ever had one.
Michelle oā€™Neil came out the other day and her first big announcement was about reinstating 3 days pay that the nurses lost due to strike action, and free parking for health care staff. What difference this will make to the march of this disease is anyoneā€™s guessā€¦but I suppose it makes them feel or look good. Iā€™d say the nurses have bigger issues to deal with. Sheā€™ll also be having her motherā€™s day dinner via Skype or somethingā€¦the sacrifices of state.
Arlene,'s opening gambit was about how she would stand strong against anyone abusing health care staff.
Ohā€¦and social isolation.
Then youā€™ve jim allister tabling questions, naomi long engaging in cute banter on Twitter, while claire hannah missing in action.
Fuck knows what Eastwood is up to. He hasnā€™t been heard from.
The health minister had a couple of lovely soundbites about decisions being made in hours when normally they took yearsā€¦he said this without any sense of irony. His other line was about a surge of biblical proportions
A horrible nest of thieves.


Criminal scum will always use a crisis to their advantage. Sure just look at these guys and the Trump regime.

Was reading the senators dumped millions of bonds due to the virus.
I am happy they retrieved the money and no harm was done.
Itā€™s that sort of crap that could end a marriage and ruin lives.
Look on the bright side they will never make that mistake again.

How much will the uks lack of a plan scupper ours? We are too closely linked.

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Itā€™s impossible to know and weā€™re probably better off not guessing

The rain always stops lads.

March 11th thats when the pandemic was announced by the WHO. Been a few bad events that day, madrid bombing, tsunami that turned nuclear in japan, a combative poster from the west of ireland was born.


Surely now when comparing the data presented from Italy versus China it raises a valid question, is this coronavirus a biological weapon released from a Chinese lab? Are the chinks now administering the treatment they always knew would work to stop the spread? Result, a global economic meltdown versus a resurgent Chinese economy?

Nearly 5000 dead now in Italy crazy

If we just had the balls to order every new entrant to the country to self-isolate then Iā€™d fancy our chances.