Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Collect old tyres :joy:

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Is it true Breaffy House Hotel ran a special offer for this weekend in their self catering Lodges?

If it is those cunts should be done for it.

It’s one of the busiest roads in Ireland reduced to one lane with Gardai stopping traffic. Of course there is a traffic jam. Still plenty of people out working providing essential services.

Rte showing beautiful pictures of bundoran and sligo and big empty beaches.

Don’t come here.

What a shower of absolute cunts

Also, the measures feature before the cases. Fucking scum


Simpletons will jump on any bandwagon at the moment. There’d have been nobody getting away from work today. The guards doing a little scare mongering before the bank holiday weekend I reckon

Yup @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ratted me out the bollox

That will save a few lives.


Now RTE reporting that creating traffic jams via checkpoints is a deliberate tactic of the guards.

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You couldn’t make it up :joy:

And the mob on twitter hopping like sausages in a pan

Crosshatch shares are gone way down since the announcement.

1000 posts tonight arguing if that is constitutional or not

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Can someone please get George fucking Lee off the fucking telly…


Fat Dessie is an absolute gimp

Gardai, much like cyclists have acquired herd immunity; nor can they spread the highly contagious virus by leaning on your car door and sticking their uninvited gombeen head into your very personal space within your vehicle.

WTF Guards !

Call in a fucking air strike

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Interesting dr Ryan confirms my suspicion that we are turning Dublin into an atomic Bomb by keeping everybody in the city and it’ll be an absolute disaster.

They are simple folk. Ffs

Genius :clap: