Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I filled up the car on the Friday before Cheltenham and I still have quarter a tank left. I hope all those fuckers either get turned away or locked into their holiday homes for the duration of the lockdown. Selfish cunts.

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I suppose it was the Clare rent avoider one or the Kildare holiday one who was given this job to be fair - baby steps

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Gun sales skyrocketed after this I imagine.

The comments suggest the paint job is peeling on the SF IRA bandwagon


I heard you made a great save in the
56 final.

These are the dumb cunts that believed the CCP that the virus was no big deal, didnā€™t go to Wuhan for a look until nearly the end of January, swallowed the CCP line that it couldnā€™t be transmitted person to person until the end of January, and didnā€™t declare it a pandemic until March 9th, by which time hundreds of thousands were already infected and tens of thousands effectively condemned to death.

Now they are recommending that police go door to door grabbing sick people and locking them up in a ā€œdignifiedā€ manner. Fuck off with yourself you fatheaded Sligo roaster.

You really need to work on your anger brah

That triggered him beautifully.


Iā€™d give that a like. Heā€™s dead right. Why wait till the last minute.


Whatever you think about what we should do we definitely should be given some notice alright to prep. I see people on twitter think because we havenā€™t been told thereā€™s good news coming but I doubt it.

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An extension of 2 weeks is already agreed only to be announced. Id say they will wait til after Easter


If youā€™re not angry at how the CCP and WHO handled this, then you should really stop commenting on social issues Laz.

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Surely they canā€™t wait until after the day itā€™s supposed to end?

Heā€™s off again. :grinning:

They need to announce something. People are starting to get back into old routines. Out walking tonight and gangs of teenagers out together, women out walking with their mates, people stopping for a chat as normal no gap between them.

There will be a 12 week phased relaxation from May 12th. Bit by bit, sector by sector things will slowly get back to normal. the pubs just might be back by the August Bank Holiday

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