Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

If you believe everything you watch on Fox news you should really stop commenting on anything full stop

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They announced an almost full lockdown last night on primetime

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Worth a mention.

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People would as well off to follow Frankie Boyle’s tweets and nothing else and they’d probably be pretty well up about what’s happening.

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Any mention of their tax status in that?

Sinn Fein showing they are still unfit for government by engaging in the politics of protest and disruption during a national crisis


No Laz. Just that they donated 10 million worth of PPE.

Aren’t they great

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I very rarely watch Fox News. Do yourself a favor and go to the original thread and see who was taking this seriously from the beginning and who wasn’t.

Are you seriously suggesting the CCP and WHO should not be criticized for this health crisis? Are you truly that biased that you can’t see how badly the WHO let us all down.

The WHO have done a great job pal. They’ve been talking about nothing but the corona for months now and have made saving the older generation global priority across the board

You can’t be serious. Pádraig Mac Lochlainn was on the radio asking people to inform on anybody they thought shouldn’t be in their area.

Second thoughts … SF have always been full of informers … they just never encouraged them before.

Anyone who doesn’t see the CCP as outright tyrants needs their head examined


August bank holiday weekend could be like a dozen Arthur’s Day and a few St Patrick’s days rolled into a few days

Ok you’re just a wum, I was actually giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Ah don’t be like that @anon7035031. The Sligo roaster is fast becoming a national treasureand the WHO are getting rave reviews for their efforts everywhere except fox news

The WHO are as bad or worse. Taiwan sent them a warning in late December that the virus was contagious and spreading rapidly. They were ignored because they do not recognize Taiwan, as the CCP insists on it. A month later the WHO were still repeating the CCP lie that it wasn’t transmitted human to human, when it had already spread all over the world.

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Trump praises president xi on january 24th for their efforts and transparency

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@Lazarus thinks the Financial Times are Fox News now.

You’ve moved all the way from Fox News to David Quinn, give yourself a cookie

The whole of the US right-wing is heavily invested in twisting a narrative to absolve Trump and place the blame onto China and the WHO. Obviously that was always going to be the case since the whole of the US right-wing is only interested in fighting their insane culture wars and inventing fake narratives to benefit themselves rather than admitting the truth. It’s the exact same thing that fascists the world over have always done.

Anybody living outside this bubble, which is all normal people, sees that.

Unfortunately this forum has a very prominent blowhard loudmouth who lives firmly inside that bubble.

It’s sort of hard to have any sort of rational discussion when that poster spends all his time here desperately spinning.