Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


Tis mad the way everybody suddenly becomes a socialist in a pandemic.

So what? He has to maintain a relationship with China, or should he cut off diplomatic channels?

There’s plenty of blame to apportion to Trump and Boris and others. The problem is this that those who do most of the ranting get triggered by criticism of the CCP and the WHO, and wouldn’t hear of any criticism of Conte in Italy, or Sanchez in Spain, or Macron in France.

Every western government is culpable for not paying attention to the threat, and not doing their own due diligence. However we depend on the WHO and fund them (the US contributes $400M a year) to do a job, they failed miserably. Anyone who can’t accept that has their head in the sand.

Waiting so late to declare it a pandemic was absolutely disastrous. Absolutely.

Trump praised them in January, then started calling it the china virus. He wasn’t worried about diplomatic channels then

I laughed at that.

I read a broad spectrum of news pal, and if I watch TV news, it’s generally CNN.

You should broaden your horizons beyond far left sources.

How fortunate the NHS was there for the tory cabinet in their hour of need

The WHO informed the US of the virus’s existence in 2019. The US only has itself to blame for the fact that it has handled the crisis worse than any other country.

Yet you say CNN is complete shit. The fact you admit to watching something you say yourself is complete shit would explain a lot.

Huh? I read TFK

Doesn’t get much more far right than that.

Fuck, the ending there to Newsnight was heartbreaking

One of many disasters that border on criminal. The WHO were well aware of the danger of another SARS outbreak in China, as we already had two, in 2003 and 2013. They should have insisted on having their scientists there at the first sniff of a new virus. They were told about it in late December, they went there in late January. Taiwan told them in December it was dangerously contagious, they ignored them.

Agree on “China virus” being undiplomatic, he should have called it the Wuhan virus, which is where it originated, the standard way we refer to all disease outbreaks (West Nile, Ebola, etc.).



That really tickled you didnt it :grinning:

tenor (2)

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I actually broke my hole laughing at it.


Anybody know where the Spanish Flu came from?

Id say you were hoping to land a few with that one. Hard luck.

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Kansas, wasn’t it?