Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

My money’s on good friday

I believe so. Kansas is in the USA as far as I know.


The Spanish flu? Chi-na mate. I’ll explain it to you if you have the patience.


Pandemics can’t be contained this virus could be contained which is why they didn’t declare it a pandemic for so long according to mr Ryan anyway.

Obama created the Spanish Flu as a bioweapon in a lab in Peking in 1918.

People were dying in Europe from it in February.

They fucked up

One of the great rules of life is that those who proclaim themselves to have common sense generally have none. And so it is again.

How exactly did they “fuck up”?

I don’t think that qualifies it for a pandemic. It’s probably just a technical point. He explains it in a YouTube video.

They waited until March 11th to declare a pandemic.

I’m pretty sure it was on every continent before then. Declaring it a pandemic earlier may have resulted in stricter measures being taken earlier.

They declared a global emergency on january 30th unlocking its powers but didnt declare a pandemic until March 11. Stating they wanted to avoid trying to avoiding panic they facilitated inaction. Most countries didnt start taking measures until after that date

Everybody in positions of authority worldwide knew what the virus was and how serious it was from early January. Classing it as a pandemic or not is irrelevant, as @anon60384913 says it’s a technical point.

The gas thing is that a particular poster launched straight into the usual far right US narrative when Trump and the Republicans screw up spectacularly - “don’t politicise this”.

And he and they went full on for the “politicise it relentlessly” strategy to take the heat off themselves.

The reality is that individual countries screwed up because they were more interested in their economies than in public health.

Some, such as the US, screwed up far worse than others. But that narrative only holds if you believe that they saw a pandemic as a crisis in the first place. In the case of the Trump regime, I don’t believe they saw it as a crisis at all, but as an opportunity.

Trump most definitely sees it as a way for him to stop millions of people voting, and therefore win the election. Sure just look at Wisconsin yesterday.

If this continues to play out as we think it probably will, he will likely try and use it as a front to have an even more fraudulent election than he had already planned.

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The WHO were in a very difficult position here. If you criticise China you risk them never telling you about a disease outbreak again. Since that’s like 1/7th or so of the Worlds population it’s a tricky one, they also had to tour and play music


The lads back Wesht would have to advertise theirs beforehand of course


Did you see it on CNN and then seethe about it?

Governments were taking their lines from the WHO. It wasn’t until after they declared a pandemic that they started shifting their arses

You said yourself, the best reaction is an overreaction to this, and I agree. On this, they under reacted.

I think what @anon78624367 is saying is if they called it a pandemic more people would have snapped into action but you can’t do that.

Exactly. You’d have the very same lads blaming them for upsetting the global balance of power as you do now saying they should have told us everything last christmas