Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Who’s going to pay them to cut the grass then?


They didnt have to criticise China to declare what everyone knew was a global pandemic earlier.

The WHO declared their highest level of alert on January 30th. A month and a half later Trump was still saying the virus would go away like a miracle.

Trump already threatening to cut their lights

Ye’ll hardly have a bob left anyway after telling every guard ye meet on the road to go fuck themselves

Criticising the WHO is not exonersting individuals or governments.

They stated they didn’t declare a pandemic to avoid panic. And declared it on 11th march because they were alarmed with the inaction.

That’s a hell of a long time to be alarmed about something and not pull the trigger

The blamegame is now in full swing, not about who saves lives now but who wins the narrative

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The WHO are a political organization and cannot be relied upon to act a-politically. But hopefully we won’t be fooled again


Damned either way then

Was John Prine a poster on here?

Those bastards in their white lab coats
Who experiment with mountain goats
Should leave the universe alone
It’s not their business, not their home
I go to sleep and it never rains
My dog predicts hurricanes
She can smell a storm a mile away
That’s all the news we have today

I live down deep inside my head
Well, long ago I made my bed
I get my mail in Tennessee
My wife, my dog and my family


They waited too long, in my opinion.

A bit more panic was needed, maybe then we wouldn’t have had major sporting events going ahead in march.

That’s not entirely on the WHO, sporting bodies and Governments are directly responsible and take the lions share of the blame.

A bit more proactiveness from the WHO could have mitigated this

They have serious political pressures, they are not self funded. Do they even have the authorityto call a pandemic without certain Govts giving the all clear first? I’d highly doubt it

The same people in the public eye who are now criticising the WHO are generally the exact same people who were using their platforms to play down the virus.

That’s certainly true of the right-wing “this is overblown” merchants internationally.

Bottom line is countries controlling their borders and the movements of their people and their own national strategies for containment and how to get their health systems to cope as best possible, these are all national competencies.

It isn’t in the WHO’s competency to do any of that.

The WHO made everybody well aware of how serious this was. Some chose to listen, some didn’t.




It’s quite possible to blame the WHO and Trump. Bizarre zero sum game going on here but turning this into another Trump thread is not what we want but sadly one poster in particular will do that here.

If your Airport Police then your not allowed.

Wasn’t there a massive row a few years ago between the Gardai in Swords and the Airport guards when one of Airport lads got arrested for chasing some lad out of the airport.

Swords GardaĂ­ said the Airport police were glorified bouncers in the airport and resented them being called Guards.

Batigol The Bouncer…

Sure everybody knows China covered up. Welcome to three months ago.

You can’t blame China or the WHO for certain countries not taking it seriously. That’s completely on those countries and their leaders.

Well naturally Trump gets focussed on because he called it a hoax and said it would disappear like a miracle and has been completely disastrous in every other facet of (non) preparation and response.

He has been almost uniquely incompetent in the face of this crisis with only Bolsonaro rivalling him.

Again though that’s on the assumption that his “response” has ever been in good faith - I think that’s a hugely mistaken assumption. Everything about Trump’s behaviour over the last four years says that his mishandling of this has been entirely deliberate. That’s how he works.

Not declaring it a pandemic until March 9th was a huge error, but the major damage was done in December and January. If the SARS-Cov-2 virus wasn’t stopped in Wuhan, it wasn’t going to be stopped.

The CCP had the opportunity to stop it, but due to mainly fear imposed by their political structure, the local officials in Wuhan tried to cover it up. Including threatening doctors who raised the alarm and disappearing journalists. The central CCP were very slow to act and lied to the WHO after they knew it was SARS like and contagious. They are a bunch of cunts who only care about their own survival.

The WHO were totally impotent, their job is to identify such outbreaks and help countries contain them. They more than anyone should know how the CCP would react, but they went along with the CCP official line until it was far too late. Calling a health emergency at the end of January was a month too late. Going to Wuhan in late January was a month too late.

All western governments are culpable in that they should have been prepared for a pandemic and should have paid more attention to the evidence of how this virus was spreading and listened to scientists who were warning about it from about January 24th onward. The absence of any mitigation efforts in February is unforgivable.

This is easy stuff lads, unless you are a left wing loon. All western governments, left, centrist and right, fucked up, the CCP and WHO were willfully negligent though.

Yes, you can blame the WHO for not actively calling the anti science approach of China early on.

Lets just regurgitate China’s findings and ignore Taiwan;

  • They wrote to the WHO on December 31st raising concern about human-to-human transmissions, and while they got a note to confirm their letter had been received they did not receive a response.*

It is actually incredible that you will now actively ignore these things because your head is so warped from watching US politics from afar that this is a partisan issue for you.