Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Yes but my point was more about how they will attempt to frame the narrative to obviously suit their own particular agendas and who is likely to be succesful. The WHOs hands are tied, they are at the whim of their greatest financial contributors and its the very same contributors in USA China UK etc who were the ones insisting this was just another common cold despite the writing being on the wall

The WHO will be the sacrificial lambs no doubt, less resources and less financing sure to follow, all of which just means the next global pandemic will have even graver consequences for us

False equivalence nonsense.

The US screwed up far more than anybody in the world and have nobody else to blame.

The sad reality is that “incompetence” was very likely not incompetence at all, but deliberate malevolance.

Sure that’s been the case with literally everything else under Trump, it makes no sense it would not be with this.

Trump has never acted on behalf of the American people at any stage but only for himself, his cronies and Russia.

And still some slow learners can’t get that.

No, the WHO leadership should be replaced. It was never a good idea to appoint a communist who admired Mugabe as it’s leader. If you are going to fund something, it should be held accountable.

Leave your partisan comments out of this thread please, we are trying to make the world a better place here if you don’t mind

These are facts mate, the WHO should be apolitical.
Sadly they are led by a Mugabe fan, that’s as partisan as things get.

The bottom line is that the “blame the WHO narrative” is just hilarious buck passing from those who cant accept personal responsibility for their own uselessness.

Responding to a fear over a “narrative” does not make you a friend of facts.

In actual fact, the upshot of this pandemic will likely be a far more coordinated domestic and global response to these things. Forget about Trump, that’s short sightedness, look at the reaction of other Asian countries to this pandemic. They were on the ball. Individuals and the countries engaged in coordinated activities. The WHO will have questions to answer over this. This sort of thing, and being overly sensitive to China wanting their feelings protected, won’t fly much longer;

All countries will he alert for any pandemic.

No that’s not the bottom line, that’s you just deciding to take the opposite view to a few Fox commentators you saw on the internet. Just cause.

Deliberate malevolence. He got rid of the CDC’s pandemic response team and refused to replace them.

He pulled the CDC guy who was working in China out of the place last Autumn and refused to replace him.

The US has an explicitly anti-science regime.

By the way, nobody knew outside of China and Taiwan this was a serious danger in early January. Why the fuck would the WHO still be saying it couldn’t be transmitted human to human in mid January, unless they are total liars? They said it because they believed the CCP liars.

As far as the outside world, the firsts steps were taken at the end of January by Asian countries, the US was the first western country to impose travel restrictions February 3rd. Unless the west took the same actions as Taiwan and Singapore, this was always going to play out the way it played out up to now.

Ireland have now overtaken Australia in confirmed cases.

And where did I say Trump didn’t deserve criticism?

I have said over and over how he was a shambles over this.

Funny that your language immediately becomes oh so assertive and venomous when you get to go on the attack over him. You know it’s perfectly possible to say the WHO have some explaining to do over this global pandemic and for US citizens and residents (and hint, you’re not one) to criticise his domestic response. You trying to “hold the narrative” on an Irish forum is gas.

Lets all just remember though in your attempted revisionism over this, that you were the most Trump of all in your first couple of responses.


If somebody knew nothing aboout anything and decided to just take the opposite line to Fox “commentators”, they’d pretty much always be right.

Somebody’s rattled. Can’t you take jokes?

It’s pretty mad that you apply the same standard to Trump as you do a random poster on an Irish internet forum. Says a lot I think.

That’s fine. We can go to the other thread on this. There can be no rational discussion of the WHO with you.

Is the specific thread about the US response not going anymore?


Australia have got on top of their testing (think they’re world leaders) but surely climate has played some role there. The links with China you’d have thought would have brought a greater amount of the virus to Australia earlier.

Yeah with approx 25% of the population.
Cities like Sydney and Melbourne must be doing particularly well.
I cant fathom how from places like Redfern/Waterloo all the way west are adhering to social distancing etc.

It is yes. We might have to expand that to the WHO though because there is someone here who will not allow a rational discussion on their actions.

ScoMo got a lot of criticism at the start but seems to have done well. Have the prayers helped @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy?