The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Ya I think so. Yet, around 100 per day dying in Hubei. Doesn’t stack up.

You’re all over this. I think you should go over and have a look.

Sorry it’s two. Japan and Philippines

Yeah it’s odd - but doesn’t fit with the thesis that the Chinese are massaging the figures down

Interesting if accurate.
The rate of infection on the quartanied cruise ship pretty much match the rate in Wuhan

Meh. 61k died from flu in the US in the winter of 2017/18.

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This will continue to be an issue until a pharmaceutical company gets a big pay day .

Cases at 64,346, deaths at 1,490.

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Depends on how many were on the way out anyway I suppose, harsh as that sounds.

The total death toll in mainland China rose to 1,380 – after 121 new deaths were recorded on Thursday, but also after 108 deaths were removed due to supposed double-counting

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Only 13 deaths today by the looks of it. The new man has sorted it out.

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He’d want to be careful he doesn’t do too good a job or he’ll be disappeared


Up to 1,512 deaths but the number of new infections drops considerably with only 2,641 new cases.

I was reading an article lately and it reckoned if they are doing a good job the cases should start dropping significantly this week, something about the time it was spreading vs them locking it down. Basically what they are doing should be taking effect this week.
This new fella will be like the SF housing minister. Done fuck all but taking credit for the work of the last fella

Republicans are cray cray.

Confirmed cases at 71,331, deaths at 1,775.

They must be shitting themselves