Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


Ya, but what about the carers families etc

100 may seem high but there are a lot of nursing homes, 22 private & 2 public in Limerick alone.

There is quite a way to go yet before nursing homes get over this

What about families of Medics?

Whatā€™s a reasonable number of total no of nursing homes in the south? 500-600?


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Thatā€™s a scary number so when itā€™s just healthcare workers visiting.

Yeah I donā€™t see a way around it. The horse may have bolted now too for many of these

Are a lot of these places just legalised euthanasia clinics anyway? Thought they just dosed old people with sedatives and wait til they die.

Sorry if posted already - But what are our figures for deaths outside nursing homes?

No clusters from pubs in the Eastern region. So 4 weeks on from the shut down, all this hysteria about Temple Bar, was just that.

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Sure they arenā€™t contact tracing so how do they know?

Very few travel related clusters too.


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Shur they were all Italians.

Itā€™s all a great sham.

Most of 15-24 year olds will be in school/university or doing casual work anyways?

That would be my reckoning alright

Are you one of these reformed born again former alcoholics because thats what you come across as.