Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

He must have battered the head off the wife one night after a feed of drink.

Thats what it sounds like.Ive worked with a lot of these boyos.They spent most of their adult lives getting pissed most days,they eventually see the light and turn into miserable tight fuckers.They blame other people just because they cant handle a few pints and hate to see lads enjoying themselves.

That sounds a wee bit autobiographical mate :thinking:

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Bad form

We cant confirm it yet so hold off judging him.

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My auld wan was tempted to go up to the grotto to say a prayer last week. Told her to stay the fuck at home, she said there’d be no one there. Had to explain it can be left on inanimate objects. Young lad arrives in there with a card for the little one. From Nanna. Jesus wept. Fucked her out of it on the phone.


Thread from the Virgin Media News chap.

Basically because the testing regime is a complete and utter farce, there’s no prospect of even a roadmap towards a return to normality.

There’ll be societal breakdown over this, if they just keep rolling on these lockdowns every 2 weeks in the absence of making real progress in sorting this out.

TBH, Dr Tony is closing to becoming “Holohan” in my mind. Every day at the press conference he tries to downplay the test delays, long wait to receive results and lack of a tracing regime, and just says people need to self isolate if they have symptoms. That’s all well and good but there’s no prospect of getting back to normality if they’re not tracing the virus.

You can already see @Horsebox getting restless.


That came in the post? Id say you can relax a small bit

According to the experts it can last 3 days on an object, she posted it yesterday.

Calm down.

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Guards have a checkpoint out at St Fintan’s NS here turning day trippers back.


You better be able to backhand that claim up.


I don’t stay calm in normal times, I’m letting rip while it’s acceptable. Maybe I need to clarify that we think she has it, awaiting results.

So we’ve to wait for a functioning health care system before we can lift restrictions? Be decades before we leave the house


This is going to finish off any business that was struggling and a few that weren’t

Would you be one of the lads encouraging them to go back on it?

Id be one of the lads telling them to fuck up and be quiet.

Are they in the pub drinking sarsaparillas?

SF gently raised a few concerns around testing yesterday and the usual crew like @tallback, @TheUlteriorMotive and @StoneCold started calling them all sorts.

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