Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™m saying youā€™re a cunt. Youā€™re suggesting that people throw relatives in homes to let them die. While that may be the mindset for an utter cunt like yourself, thereā€™s lots of people who end up in nursing homes for other reasons. Cant really be much clearer than that.
At a time when people in nursing homes are in real mortal danger, itā€™s either insensitivity or pig fucking ignorance that has you posting stupid fuckwit nonsense like that.


@mikehunt Pull yourself together man

Youā€™re taking serious offence where none was meant. Iā€™m not judging anyone who put their parents in to a home. Stories Iā€™ve heard donā€™t put these places in a good light though.

Sorry mate but this is preposterous. You are literally asking thousands of people to stay on site for an indefinite amount of time when there are no facilities or space available for same. Maybe we could go and built them mountains or prefabs and bunks to stay in? Many may be low paid foreign workers, but they are not the indefinite prisoners of this State.

Visitors are one thing, but it seems to be just impossible to keep it out. There are residents going in and out of hospital on the regular, this bastard of a thing is just going to get in.

Iā€™d be interested to see what countries have successfully managed this as it seems to be carnage everywhere. It is very upsetting and depressing.

It depends on the place, there are some lovely ones.

Lads nursing homes arenā€™t nearly as bad as people on here are making out ffs. Loads of older people enjoy them particularly if they donā€™t have immediate family. Not everything is black and white.

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Iā€™m sure there are. Some places prioritise care, others prioritise profit.

Carrots? Lot of lonely women out there I suppose.

Thats hardly legit?

Whoā€™s fault is that. Did you fuck the young fella out of it too?

The first night out post-COVID will be like shooting fish in a barrel

Even HBV wont have to pay for it that night.

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I agree pal. More important to save face than save country.

Iā€™d imagine if the beloved UK economy is fucked that will not bode well for Irelandā€™s.

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Wait are we picking on Dr O Holohon now? Heā€™s doing his best in trying circumstances cut him some slack guys


I didnā€™t give it to him, he brought it to me. There was a woman who had the virus ridiculed for doing the same thing during the week.

:ronnyroar: :ronnyroar: :ronnyroar: :ronnyroar:

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Granted, but Heā€™s gone and repeated exactly what he did for the cervical scandal. Who was minister for health that time?

If heā€™s human he will make mistakes. If we lose our faith in our doctors we have nothing

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