Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

FGā€™s PR department have duped everyone.

For all the talk and confirmation of the basket case approach in the UK, the O6 has not fared any worse thus far than the 26.

The reason we are doing OK in relative terms is not due to the leadership and decision making of the government, itā€™s primarily to do with the geography and population density on the island. There are other metrics more important right now in measuring the damage of the virus but the most important one at the end of it all will be the deaths caused.

By my calculations, proprotiantely the O6 should have 86 deaths to be at the same level per population as the 26. Itā€™s currently at 78 so thereā€™s little difference, despite the intransigence of the Unionists and basket case approach from Westminister.

It doesnā€™t really show the FG approach up well at all.


I spoke with the owner of a nursing home today. She said the big defining factor for many of them is the type of staff, as in do they use agency staff. Agency nurses would have been commonplace in many nursing homes so if one of them picked it up theyā€™d bring it into a heap of other places.
I spoke to another nurse who works in blanch saying the medical staff were dropping like flies there(not in danger, but having to isolate so numbers of available staff are down).


Thankfully I donā€™t have your laissez fair attitude to a killer virus.

The lads we all suspected would, are now starting to mentally unravel before our very eyes. Itā€™s fascinating to watch. The meditators and early risers are not getting upset. Weā€™re set up.


Very sage. I like it

I couldnā€™t tell you Dan, LVF decommissioned some time ago I thought. The VFI havenā€™t said anything, and I donā€™t know about the LVA. It was an INMO member who was telling me about the 12 week phasedown from May 12 so maybe you should be the one telling me :grinning:


Bit late wiping it down after itā€™s been touched by a couple of people including the young lad.

Incorrect. They looked to start their own (GDPR non-compliant?) medical database to unclear ends?

For some reason they seemed to suggest that by collecting stories on twitter from the likes of 32countybhoy9984125 would generate a reliable data-source that they could then provide the HSE with - which was clearly bollox.

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Iā€™ve a vodka spray in an old aldi spray I usually use. Itā€™s the business. A bottle of cheap aldi vodka will kill anything.

Is ā€œIā€™m trying to get the baby to sleep and she wonā€™t nod if Iā€™ve to stopā€ a legitimate reason to go on the motorway?

Sorry you had to find out like this a mhaic :grin: :sleepy:

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What other tool but social media would you suggest they use to reach people in the current climate ā€¦ they are obviously hearing multiple stories of people waiting 3-4 weeks for results. Itā€™s good honest discourse ā€“ and someone needs to make the government accountable (FF have no desire and have gone to ground) as we seem to be trudging along without a plan.

Itā€™s not quite comparing horses to courses though because the O6 doesnt have Dublin, which is where nearly all the young Italians and Spanish work, in tech and various other things like architecture.

Are you saying people are treated well in these places?

Just as a matter of interest Mike, do you mind me asking what age you are?

No one as pure as a reformed whore

Well fuck

Iā€™ve heard the same story from a few people about homes for the elderly. They deteriorate quite quickly when they go in and are sedated if they act up.

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