Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Not a lie at all. I posted about the same lads grandmother passing away last Friday. His grandfather, uncle and mother were tested on either Friday or Monday and all results were back within 48 hours. Not sure if that’s because they were prioritised or just got lucky.

#concannonbots still politicising the crisis

Turns out the poll isn’t for PT but amarach have confirmed the question is theirs but haven’t named the client.

I was chatting to a fella on the phone on his way to work and he was stopped 4 times in 30 mins. Twice either side of Midleton and killeagh and castlemartyr…


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Cos he was on the phone?


They certainly are in some of them

I continue to be zen

You’re allowed be on speaker kid. Can you get Bluetooth in a burlingo?

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Albeit some very hairy fish

Why couldn’t they shave in isolation?

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How are we coming along with antibodies testing yet?

Surely that’s really when there is some sort of a breakthrough there is when we can finally make plans for gradually reducing the lockdown restrictions.

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Think my other half was more upset with Debenhams going tits up

We aren’t even trying. Those who are aren’t making much progress

Science continues to fail us.

It’s time to turn to the church and our lord, my friends.


If you work backwards from the death rate based on the German study (0.37%) then we’ve about 50k odd infections here at the minute

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At least.

500 cases
28 dead