Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

What? How come the Germans could tell how many of that town had the virus?

Surveys I think and estimates

The higher the better at this stage

Ah yeah
Get it all out. Deaths while terrible are remaining constant

I’m tuning out from now on I’m going into negative mode. There is no more hope as far I can see for the next six weeks.

They did a battery of testing on everybody in the town, or at least they are doing it, they are only half way through but released the results because they were significant.

Anti body testing is possible it’s just way too slow to be scalable

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We doubled in the last few days.

Have we in terms of daily numbers? In fairness I’ve had a bigger distraction for the week

‘Only’ 5 in the north. Even the coronavirus hates us.


George the angel of death lee broke it down on the 9 o’clock news last night as well as anecdotally telling everyone the lock down will last for months


Having a chip on our shoulders will save us, pal.

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The greens and oranges have been social distancing since the good friday agreement and sure it wouldn’t live on the prods.

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Must be hope, horse racing still on the go in Australia & America?

Thanks Julio for the update.

Any UK figures today?

CC @Tim_Riggins

I’d a bad day with cabin fever today. A prick rang me this morning hanging for golf and I’ve had head worms all fucking day


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

891 hospital deaths in UK

As long as boris makes it they couldn’t give a toss. Its quite incredible

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