Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Doubt it. De Burlingo hasn’t moved in a month sure. The battery is dead I’d say.

But shur apparently they’re flattening the curve. Easy flatten it when everyone’s dead

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Must fire up my yoke now that you say that.

It’s tough Esteban. Masters weekend and all!

Be the worst recession the world has seen since the great depression according to the IMF. We’re absolutely fucked. Thanks China.

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Really? I’m not so sure. Everyone has been hit. I think it’ll turnaround quicker.

It shouldn’t be though. Print the money to pay for it. Write it off. Live with the inflation for a few years. Job is oxo

Every airline in the world will be bust by the end of the summer. Lufthansa are losing a million pound an hour. We’re fucked.

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They’ve been trying to get a bit of inflation going for a decade with no luck, no matter how much money they throw at it

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That could be a slight problem alright

The lockdown can’t last much longer or there won’t be a normality to go back to.
Keep social distancing, no bars, restaurants etc. but they’ll have to make a stab at letting everything else restart

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FFG at fault

Another 4/6 weeks anyway

Is a massive reduction in the Worlds Passenger air travel such a bad thing?

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Absolutely. End of this month at the latest.

That’s only the tip of the iceberg har.

Cheaper flights now

Capitalism has been defeated.

It’s time for communism to return.

The Irish tourist industry will be completely destroyed if this goes on

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The communists started this mess

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