Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I really donā€™t think famine, ethic cleansing and no freedoms are what we need right now


The two candidates that are in clinical trials (phase 1) already are in the US and China, but thereā€™s another 42 candidates at the pre-clinical stage. A fair number are in Europe.

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The queue into supermarkets seems a bit of a cod. 15 minutes in somebodyā€™s company to get it we were told.

Very interesting main report by Victoria McDonald on C4 News there.

In London some hospitals are running short of machines which provide CVVVH ā€“(Continuous Veno Venus Haemo Filtration) - these machines are to prevent renal failure.

It was thought 10-15% of COVID patients would need this support ā€“ but it turns out around 30% do.

It had been thought that patients were suffering ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) but patients (itā€™s not specified how many) are not behaving in this way. Patients were being kept dehydrated but this is affecting the kidneys.

Allison Pittard, Dean, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine said:

ā€œThe lungs arenā€™t behaving as if the patients have ARDS so we probably donā€™t need to have patients as dehydrated as weā€™ve been having them. So weā€™re starting to look at giving patients more fluid in the early stages and we hope that will have a knock on effect on the kidneys so we will start to see a reduction in the number of patients with kidney failure and having to go onto a kidney machine.ā€

In fact what they now believe is small clots are forming in the blood vessels that supply the lungs and affects the way oxygen gets into the body.

Has this been peer reviewed?

Chi - na


Some lads fair panicking on here Stir craziness kicking in. Itā€™s like theyā€™ve dropped a few tabs and the paranoia has hit :joy:

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The recovery will be quite protracted I fear and could take decades. Lots of commentators pointing to good economic fundamentals and strong foundations but Iā€™m afraid those foundations have been destroyed. Plenty of talk about V and U shaped economic recoveries but for a recovery you need people to spend. Instead households spending power will be reduced due to loss of employment or salary cuts. People will also hoard money due to uncertainty. In order for a full recovery to take place you would need universal buy in from banks, utilities companies, insurance companies etc but theres a snowballs chance in hell that will happen.

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I havent seen the news in days but I was talking to my Dad on the phone there.

He said 70 members of staff at Cavan General Hospital have tested positive for Covid 19. That includes 50% of the doctors and surgeons. He said it had the largest number of Covid 19 patients outside of Dublin and their containment system has completely failed. He said that it is linked somehow with Beaumont and there are 5 consultants from Beaumont coming down to try and save it before the whole hospital goes under. He said this much was on the news.

He said that anecdotally locals are saying it happened because of inadequate PPE and washing facilities.

Iā€™m now getting slightly scared for me being in hospital for the indefinite future.

Been asked to start thinking of the ā€œback to the officeā€œ plan. Phased return over 4-6 weeks. No sooner than mid May start I reckon. School closure extended another couple of weeks to last week of April. Services like hairdressers closure extended to April 27. Everyone supposed to wear masks from next Thursday for some reason. Border being reopened in a couple of weeks. Peak here anticipated last week off April.


Most of this is chinese investment in US bonds. Your average Ch-ina man saves half of every paycheck he earns. Your average American has credit card debt, college debt and any other amount of personal debt. The EU would have to do our bidding for us I would say and would be quite conservative when it comes to borrowing.

Emily Maitlis putting her job on the line


That was very dangerous and erroneous advice they were giving at the start of the outbreak. The 15 mins timeframe made no sense.

Incredible. Pretty much every RTE article carried too.

Iā€™m going to spend like a drunken sailor when things open up again.

Youā€™d be a long time waiting for someone in Rte to make a statement like that


The government still have it up

True but having said that, theres a lot less bullshit coming out of here than across the water


Yeah thatā€™s a fair point

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