Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

This could make or break the EU

She is the best interviewer/journalist in either Ireland or the UK right now, really came of age during brexit. Theres a good few lads on here who would do well to offer her a full public apology

Hopefully break

Worth 10 minutes of your time if you have it to spare

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Tbf there wouldn’t be many in the BBC would either. Certainly not Laura fucking Kuensberg


I think your in worst case scenario mode here. People will slowly but surely slip back into their old habits, it’s just what people do, and things will be back to normal before you know it albeit everyone will have a much more detailed appreciation of good hygiene. There will be winners and losers of course but the recovery will be fast tracked in a way a genuine economic collapse simply couldn’t be. On a macro level how the rest of the world responds to the fact it was made in China will be the key question

Lads who get paid a heap of money to live and work in Brussels ain’t going to kill that golden goose

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900,000 currently receiveing income support from the Govt

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Half a trillion worth of cheap loans and a recovery fund. The Dutch put firmly back in their windmills here

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500 billion is fuck all.

What it is in terms of the interest rate loan repayment id be more interested in.

Covid-19 could be alongside the USC in our payslips before Christmas.

Its a lot more than that

What else is there? I was on the phone to the wife

Average mortgage at the moment would be 2.85%, thats essentially paying back 68 cents for every euro you borrow.

I’m sure the rate will be lower here, but since these cunts can print the stuff for free, its not very equitable in my view.

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Well the devil will be in the detail as @The_Most_Infamous was saying but if you can get 500billion and only pay back 500 billion you are getting a lot more than 500 billion

Inflation over 30 years etc would negate it, but I sadly dont see that happening for the next 5 years minimum.

500 billion÷ 27 works out at an average of 18 billion per country. This means on a pro rate basis wed get fuck all. Thick an all as the brits are, they’ve put 330 sterling into their own

You get nothing for nothing mate. That auld saying sings through here.

The fact that they’re charging interest on peoples misfortune here when they don’t have to - says a lot.

As always is the case, the working poor are going to be hit the most here, and the very well off will become wealthier.

That guy is on the ball