Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

As it was as it will be

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The gap betweem the rich and poor is going to go new heights in Ireland - has done since 2008, but this has every chance of making it far far worse.

Its depressing, I don’t see a rebound in the economy as quick as some suggest either.

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500Bn. Ffs sake. Pittance.

A lot of small and medium businesses are going to be shut forever.

That hasnt been factored into the governments calculations at all by the sounds of it.

Very dangerous precedents.

New Marshall plan me bollix

I’d say @flattythehurdler has it under his mattress

This guy is a spoofer.


Most of it going to honest broker Italy too

Theres a lot of civil service types just like him wondering why it had to happen on their watch

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UK have spent that themselves. The EU is falling apart

The super wealthy have been hit very hard I’d imagine in Ireland. It’ll knock the stuffing out of tourism and professional sport but over time most things will recover. It’ll be interesting to see how it effects day to day living.

The IMF will talk us into a depression.


Nothing new there. What chump is in charge of it these days?

They’ve recovered at least half of their loses already if they’re in the stock market pal.

6 months time, likely they’ll have cash in their pockets to pick up all sorts of land and property at a 50% haircut.

Interesting. I wouldn’t have much faith in the markets at the moment. We still haven’t got to the bottom I think.

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Christine blaguard

I thought they would have dropped a lot more, the Dow etc seem to have it priced in at this stage. Been a nice bull rebound this week. Who knows though…

It’s a pittance and could be the rock the EU perishes on. US are proposing to spend 2 Trillion and they have a population of 330m. US plan to spend 25% of it on big business but a lot of that will go to trying to save the airline industry over there. EU on the other hand spend has a population of over 500m and are planning stimulus of 500 billion. Italy, Spain and France could need the 500bn alone.


Noel Andersons struggles with pronunciation not doing him any favors here

The EU is finished. The Germans will never loosen the purse strings.