Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I havenā€™t followed this bit of politicking. I read a headline that the Dutch were being obstinate, they getting worried that inflation could stretch their pensions hole further?

They are hungry bastards anyway.


Fuck sake who let Peig onto primetime?

Thereā€™s probably a few people on this board who would be happy with that scenario, based on their comments over the last few weeks!! . . . letā€™s hope thatā€™s not the case.

Well thereā€™ll be the individual members states own packages on top.

Do we know how much each is getting?

North and south of the EU project will never agree.

We know nothing. Everyone is getting too exited over one Tony Connolly tweet

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How the fuck did ye elect that Donovan lad back there? Hes an awful stones

I presume the 3% deficit rule is toast for the foreseeable future.

@Ambrose_McNulty @KinvarasPassion

Thank fuck for farming :pint:


You canā€™t compare the US and EU. The US is in effect one nation state. No state has sovereignty and local government only operates to a certain level.

Each EU state will have itā€™s own money for stimulus and will require top ups from the EU.

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500 billion Sid. 500 billion. Shur how could you get a defecit from that.

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Great lifestyle if youā€™ve the initative and the acres in fairnessā€¦particularly in co Limerick were you would have excellent land.

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Is this not a federal plan? Iā€™m talking about individual country budgets.


The best land is in the midlands mate.

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You can say that again

Being an island nation with a low population and loww population density thousands of miles away from anywhere else helps.

Everybody else should look into becoming that.