Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

This article is a good summary of just how mental the situation is, combined with some possible positives.

is there many private hospitals in Ireland lads? they need to be taken over immediately

Public and private are pooling their resources to beat this together

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This virus seems to have had the effect of restoring a few lapsed posters faith

Until the death numbers soar here I don’t think people are going to take it seriously. Coop shop in Raheen full car park earlier. I know you could keep your distance in there easily enough but people will have to stay at home and ride it out.

Good to hear, same measures announced in the UK. Some factories are switching production to ventilators, ramping it up

Similar story anseo
Medtronic are hiring 300 people to help built ventilators , 12 month contracts starting asap as general operator jobs, if u know of anyone laid off and willing to go to galway it will be evening night and weekend work but might suit some people, Apply to manpower recruitment


there’s a video going around today of some disease ridden Chinese cunt apparently cooking a dog alive, did anyone see it?

Someone give us some good news lads, even if it’s a red herring. It’s a barrage of bad today.

Thanks fagan.

This bit at the end is :grimacing:

Amid the frenzy of events, more thoughtful Tories have concluded that the decisions taken last week will change three key aspects of the way the world works. One said: “One is the debate around globalisation. Is Trump right that we just need to build bigger walls, or is Gordon Brown right that global problems need global solutions? The second is Socialism v The Free Market. Large parts of the economy are going to be socialised after this. I fear it leads to nationalists and socialists winning, to national socialism.”

The third fissure may yet be the worst. “It’s the intergenerational question. It is unsustainable to have people in their youth put their whole life on hold for months while the economy tanks to save a 91-year-old who would have died six months later anyway.”

I’ve the cot put together kid and a coffee cake baking.


They could get a load of Jehovah’s witnesses walking the streets with literature and it would similarly keep the streets empty.

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The 2 year old walked up and back down a 1km stretch today. She held her hurl the right way all the time as I whistled The Rose of Mooncoin and Seán South as we marched. The sun bate down on top of us all the while


have you the percentage increase? I’m waiting on Italy, Spain and Germany here

651 dead in Italy so they are finally turning the wheel.

where did you obtain that figure?

That’s the lowest increase since outbreaks began.