Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Well they’d have to treble them, because ICU beds are full in general. So they are starting at zero beds basically

Wait till JP eventually land home from Cheltenham, ye’ll know all about it then

graph for the more visual… I multiplied the percent by 100 to give a better reprresentation
Screenshot from 2020-03-22 19-21-24


JP will build us a hospital faster than the Chinese

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It’s a little bit of a red herring in terms of the testing backlog. It would be good to know the most accurate numbers but as long as anyone who is waiting for a test is staying the fuck at home then a delay in testing shouldn’t impact transmission. If anything, seeing as 90% of tests are neg its persuading people who otherwise might be out and and about having been told they’re grand to stay at home

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Its March bud

Complete aside, but some Portsmouth footballer tested positive (4 of them have so far) and said he was mortified because when he got the news he was eating his dinner in a pub as he felt there was no way he could have had it.
I mean someone that fucking ignorant should be jailed surely?


Wouldn’t argue with that, the numbers in ICU so far at least are similar to worldwide. The bigger issue though is the number being hospitalized, which is running at 30% of confirmed cases. There’s no way that can hold up surely?

It’s also 2020 but look give the man a break

From a scan of social media, it’s clear the UK are in a bad way and it’s going to get a shitload worse. There’s absolutely no sense of national solidarity or broad political consensus on the approach taken. That mixed with a much higher population density and a testing regime and numbers that suggest its already got away from them.

We may still be in the shit and there’s always an opportunity for things to be done better but we’ve def done a better job than there. My biggest fear actually is the overspill from there even if we manage to get some sort of handle on it

you get the gist

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That’s what I was thinking as well. We may get our house in order but if other European countries are shitshows, particularly the UK, then we are impacted.

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It’s 15% the last two days.

I just don’t want the likes of @TreatyStones giving him any shit

To Switzerland? They’ve plenty of cases already.

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Libre office fucked the dates.

I cant leave it like that or it’ll make me more anxious than the virus. I’ll fix it in a while

I think the hospitalisation number is a hold over from the containment phase. They were isolating people in the hospital initially to Try and control it

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JP is currently stuck in Barbados.

They don’t think airborne transmission is a big risk

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