Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Some fucker took a pic of them and put it up on facebook on some page or other showing their identity and it’s gone viral. They don’t deserve that either.

Ah that’s a bit much. A kneecapping each would suffice.

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That’s hardly true? Around 2010? I remember we stopped shaking hands in mass around then for a few months but thought that was about the height of it.

If Italy is not doing enough I don’t know where that leaves us. And there are loads of other countries way behind us.

It’s lock down or nothing…thats the reality that no one wants to faceup to at this stage. Scores of people are not taking social distancing seriously or they can’t because they’re still working. People are waltzing back into the country also.

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Social media wasn’t as big back then

The 2009 swine flu was an H1N1 virus, the same as the Spanish flu of 1918. It spread very rapidly and possibly infected 20% of the global population. The number of serious cases and deaths were similar enough to a normal seasonal flu though. It was probably just as bad as the Spanish flu in terms of virulence, but because of the conditions in 1918 and advances in medicine and treatment since 1918, the mortality rate was low.

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Lot of people getting an appreciation for the teaching profession this week

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Lock hard, mate.

2 weeks with everyone in doors except for short walks and trips to stores — it would break the back of it. I’ll police my own estate if the state give me a sheriff’s badge and temporarily swear me in.

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40 new deaths in the UK?

Respect mah authoritah

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I see Paddy wifi is donating 1m quid to fight against corona in Ireland

This is not horse racing. The IRFU have acted decisively and correctly. The domestic rugby season in Ireland has been cancelled.



Oh bollocks.

I really hope it doesnt turn into another Italian situation there after their weak initial response.

I reckon its inevatible. We will have some influx of orange refugees soone enough

God help Monaghan

I reckon we could park them all in Leitrim and no one would even notice