Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The UK has historically had little concern for human life, their burial routine bears this out. Their governments have for centuries shown no concern for humanity.

Fuck them. Any Irish person over there should be long gone by now

Singapore stands on the brink. 54 new cases, thats a jump

Leo should have ordered the ex-pats home from London about a month ago.

Did Brolly really go to Cheltenham?

I saw the photo on the INTERNET but I’m thinking that doesn’t prove it was this year

They knew where they were going when they went there.

Very sad and very funny in equal measures

The fact he won’t address it is confirmation.

The social distancing Q&A yolk with GAA players on the RTE website is gas, or maybe not. The Donegal keeper’s answers last week seemed half as interesting as the very boring priest stuck in the closet with Father Jack. Jesus, someone tell him to lighten up.
But at least they’re not trotting out the old favourites anymore: Favourite meal: steak and chips. Favourite film: The Shawshank Redemption.

A poster mentioned above they met him there on the Wednesday.

That could have been a ball hop.

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3 doctors in their 60s now dead in France.

Hopefully the start of good news across Europe

Upwards curve in infections ‘may be flattening’ in Germany

There were signs that the exponential upwards curve in new coronavirus infections in Germany is levelling off for the first time due to the strict social distancing measures in force, the head of the country’s public health institute has said. However, Lothar Wieler, the president of the Robert Koch Institute, urged caution, saying many health authorities had not yet submitted their data from the weekend. “I will only be able to confirm this trend definitively on Wednesday,” he said. But he said he remained optimistic.

Has Leo joined the front line as a doctor?

Dr. No (new measures to stop COVID-19).

I noticed 19 cases in Syria. I wouldn’t have thought there’d be many people going to Syria these days? I didn’t read where they originated etc, just saw the headline.
On a side note, WFH, and listening to a lot of spotify, free version, and I’m ready to go look for the D4 voiceover fella doing the spotify audio ads in between songs.
That and the guy doing the voiceover app for My Taxi/Free Now talking about “taxi rides” in Dublin.

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I suffered an awful anxiety attack there for two hours, Managed to get out to the small park for a walk to try and bring it under control. All these awful thoughts going through your head 24/7. It would drive you mental


Ffs apparently journos are key workers