Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Stop talking to me you fat fuck

You you callin’ a Phattphuck?!?

You have predicted five of the last two spikes



Condolences @Dubhub.

He’s a tremendous leader.

The Brits are not taking this seriously. They are trying to get them to take it seriously now, but it’s hard when they were telling them it was all grand last week.

If people behave themselves there is no need for a full lockdown. The numbers so far suggest people are by and large doing what they are told, and they are saying the contact tracing is positive as well, and despite the people shrieking on Facebook, by and large would be sufficient to contain it to a manageable extent.

A few hundred people on a beach so long as they are spread out is fairly low risk. It’s more dangerous for 10 people to sit around having a family dinner for Mother’s Day.
There are no surfaces to touch on a beach so bar you are hugging randomers you are fairly safe.


People are still having sex with random people they meet on the likes of dating websites. They are going to kill thousands. Emergency legislation needs to be brought in to close down the likes of tinder


I reckon that it is a shortfall in sales that is driving this. Same with McDonalds.


The worry now is the huge back log in tests and those waiting to be tested … there’s plenty of people with symptoms still waiting up to a week to get tested. You saw the garda tweet earlier, they found one youth out and about who is awaiting results and was told to isolate. All it takes is a few idiots to set off another thread

Definitely. Them cunts haven’t had an altruistic thought that wasn’t driven by PR or economics in their lives. Having a Starbucks on every corner of empty cities can’t be a good model currently

Iranian troops

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Think they’re all owned by the Butler brothers here? I assume the franchise fees are huge though.

Sorry for your loss @Dubhub.

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Sex needs to be banned now.

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Even asexual sex?

Gary Neville socking it to Boris now on Sky News