Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Northern Irelandā€™s Department of Health has announced 20 new cases of Covid-19, bring the total number to 148.

The total number of tests completed in Northern Ireland is 2,692.

Holohan reckons by end of this week 8 per cent of people tested will be positive


Right so. Weā€™ll just get married


And how many people will be tested by the end of this week?

Iā€™m not on twitter, but can someone report this ape:

Any indication or existing reference from the countries where the virus is more advanced in how they address potential false negative readings where symptoms might exacerbate - Do they repeat the self isolation/test procedure or are they simply released back into the Wild?

It would be a positive for them to go bust. The government should include in any new measures a direction for compulsory minimum 12 month leases for any accommodation coming on the rental market now.


hes an ape but bigger sources of misinformation than that hamster about. Hows he bugging you so much?

Iā€™m calling this now the worst is yet to come

Could it actually work in Irelandā€™s favour that the virus was initially carried back by skiing types from northern Italy? Not trying to be insensitive about anyone whoā€™s gotten the virus, but the typical sort whoā€™d be skiing in February is probably aged 25-40 and fairly active and fit. Youā€™re probably more unlikely to be swanning off skiing at that time of year if you have children too so there may have been a less intense / severe spread if it was mainly carried by youngish folk who donā€™t have children (yet). Our median age is 44 or something compared to mid/late 60s in Italy, for example.

Then, as it has spread into the community in a so far manageable way from a healthcare perspective, the government in conjunction with Dr Tony and the lads introduced the measures to date. The trick now will be to get the timing and severity of additional measures right. As someone said, horrible as it sounds, you canā€™t go into full lockdown too early or the virus will simply still be there when everyone opens their front doors again in a month. Itā€™s like a wolf in cheap clothing (cc the late Duncan Jenkinsā€™ twitter account).


What the fuck is wrong with people? All the cunts in South Dublin heading to Glendalough and now Slieve Bloom has had to go on lockdown due to large crowds.

Walk around your block a couple of times you absolute cunts and stay the fuck home for the other 23 hours.


Are you trying to make a point here?

It was definitely to Irelandā€™s advantage that the country was on fairly high alert by the time a case happened here*, rather than the scenario in Italy where there was at least one fella wandering around with it for weeks before they realised what was happening.

*excluding Breda, who got a wicked auld dose there at Christmas.


Yes, we owe a debt of gratitude to the lads from professional services firms in Dublin that brought it back from Italy. Rather it was their vintage to do so than via inter-generational holidays to Lanzarote or somewhere where people would have come back and riddled the community.

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Entirely plausible and that scenario would account for our relatively low mortality rate currently.

The only sensible thing youā€™ve posted in the last week, mate.

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The mortality rate only really kicks in at a later date when the surge happens and ICU comes under serious pressure.

Fuck sake you told me the other day the pubs would be open by the May bank holiday and i ploughed my savings into Ryanair off the back of it


Go way you fanny.

As soon as Italy went down a direct request to anyone who had been in northern Italy over the preceding weeks needs to self isolate and make themselves know to the HSE.

We waited to see what would happen. And even as the first confirmed case from Italy was announced we still waited to see what would happen.

One of these types that contracted it was a doctor, who then spread itā€¦ we owe no one nothing, you cunt.

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