Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

A brave call


It’s amazing that people still cant see the inevitable here.

We’re following the South Korean model.

Atin cats and dogs?


I havent left my property in 4 days


Few walks around the block with Brady and the very odd trip to shop for milk/ bread/ beer — is all i’ve done for 10 days. I’m fit to cut someone’s throat… but i’ll persist.

They’ll do some spitting once they no longer need the masks

@Copper_pipe can you put up the BaldyJohn voicenote. Well worth a listen.

Thanks so much for your kind words great bunch of fellas


This social distancing is going to have to be bet into a few lads. Phoenix park is very crowded

Lockdown it is

Hopefully that wont happen if the vulnerable are not being infected.

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Has anyone done the maths on how many cans of beer will be needed to get through a lockdown? Would 700 do?

I’d say it might be too much

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What if it stretches to a 3rd week tho?


did you see his video


You will still be allowed to the shop

Plenty of auld retired lads out with trailers and lawnmowers, and towing this and tipping at that. What part of stay the fuck inside do they not understand?

Saw bit of some jihadi video, left it there. Not interesting nor did I want to add my name to some watchlist.