Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

If you die, you die. :grinning:




London is going to go down in flames. Still cramming people onto trains. Fucking nuts.

Anyone still in London would want their head examined. Especially now with this virus

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Is the mindset different in huge cities like London, New York and Dublin to a lesser degree. These cities are heavily populated by young professionals who don’t really care about the impact the disease has on them. A 26 year old working over in London whose family are all in Ireland probably cares little about contracting it or spreading it.

I’ve been practicing social isolation for years. I’m away in a hack now.


City folk are cunts, yeah I’d agree


Yes. I thought that as I drove through Howth yesterday. You get a huge foreign contingent coming out to Howth at the weekend. On the one hand they are not listening to or watching RTÉ so they are not getting the messages the rest of us are getting and on the other hand they don’t have to worry about infecting their parents.

Baldy John is being thrown to the wolves there it seems.

Good luck and god bless.

Ah, would imagine the generosity of his neighbours will see him through.

Lads filming themselves having lunch with two metre sticks between them will become the new filming yourself cleaning up a dressing room.

Is it a wind adjusted 2 metres I wonder? I mean if the lad on the right has a strong wind at his back and sneezes, could the lad on the left get coronavirus?

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Saw two complete auld roasters at the petrol station yesterday sitting beside each other outside, wiring into fried deli food.

No way Noel Rock has mates

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Using correct sneezing technique it’s unlikely

I’m going to steal this theory pal. Are you the author?

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I was out and about on Saturday and I saw an example of what looked like two families gathering, all on bikes, about to head off somewhere on an excursion.

The heads of the grown ups - you can imagine them the night before getting on to everyone ‘let’s get together tomorrow and get out the bikes!’

FOAD die


Wonder how Kev will cope with having to cook for himself now.