Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Are we not in lock down simply because we have no way of enforcing it?

Hopefully Baldy John takes the advice on board

Youā€™re self-isolating though having displayed symptoms?

This is part of the real danger for me of all this.

We can get our own house in order but due to the fact that the UK have an utterly incompetent dope in charge, we could end up fucked also.

Yes, but Iā€™m not claiming exclusivity. I was just wondering if anyone else had any similar thoughts or had read anything about it, but didnā€™t expect to be viciously attacked by Tom Brady.

They probably had a brainstorming session the night before as well, with Daddy complimenting the kids. ā€œThatā€™s a GREAT idea. Which quadrant does it go into?ā€

Lads, you can go for a fucking walk. Just stay 2 metres away from other people. The virus cant fucking jump.

If you see a place thatā€™s too crowded, donā€™t go there.


Stay inside you cunts.

South Korea most successful country handling this. Varadkar has said we are following their model. UK are not testing outside hospitalsā€¦

When this is all over, Fergal is going to have to enroll in one of those courses/therapies that professional sports people do when they retire.


Whatā€™s if you bend down to tie you shoe laces and thereā€™s virus on the ground and you touch your face? Or touch a hand rail or basically touch anything outside? People should stay at home. Walk up and down the stairs or around the house.

Is @Midshipman_Asha in South Korea.

What measures were taken there?

I think they had a huge cluster resolving around some weird church group and people were traced to the nth degree. Thatā€™s all I know about it.

South korea would have it completely under control only for a super spreader responsible for 1,300 infections in a death cult.

The virus doesnā€™t do well outdoors according to the experts. Youā€™re better off outside than at home as long as youā€™re two meters away from every other cunt.

Shops are a nightmare. Iā€™m putting on gloves going in. I wouldnt touch anything in them

I was told in terms of spreading gloves are the worst thing you can wear but good for yourself. Itā€™s an awful situation we are in.

This virus is a bit like white men. Canā€™t jump and causing carnage by invading where its not wanted all around the world.

They get the bin on the way out of it. Sure arenā€™t doctors wearing gloves.

Iā€™m sick shit of washing my hands.

What would be considered a ā€œgoodā€ number when figures are announced at 545pm?

Itā€™s falling apart.