Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

627 more dead in Italy.

People of Italian extraction must be particularly susceptible

No panic in the shops either. Loads of bog roll available this evening.

2000 dead in 4 days in italy and people still arenā€™t taking this seriously. We have to full lock down cause we canā€™t trust idiots to do the sensible things.


the amount of teenager hanging around in groups is sickening


Coveney has come out and had a go young peopleā€¦ They wont listen tho.

Yes. And quickly. It would save hours of speculation too. Days wasted talking about stuff that weā€™ve no control over.

When youā€™ve a lad who saw wuhan saying Italy need to do more, Iā€™m inclined to agree.

Do what is needed now.

Every sporting body seems confident everything will be normal by July.

Every government seemed confident they wouldnt get it a month ago.

Fuck sport.

Sport is even more crucial now than ever before.

Fuck sake.

It gives people hope and brings people together. Donā€™t ever under estimate itā€™s importance.

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Yeah the liverpool and United fans on here are a beacon of solidarity towards each other :grinning:


Have a sister living in Munich. Full lockdown there and across Germany as of tonight. She was saying that Germans have been adhering to it anyway.

126 new cases here.

So do wakes and funerals and we cant have those

Now this is a positive development, youd have to assume testing is at least scaled up and the number has dropped. Could be an outlier where they got a lot of negatives in the same batch, but again even that is good

Big drop.