Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The one you don’t want to see is unknown


They were the same the time of the financial crash they absolutely thrived on it.

A fella was tackled to the ground in Tesco (Paul Street, Cork) over the weekend.


What the fuck is the lad with the tie grabbing on to?

Inward travel would have reduced significantly since then so I’d imagine numbers should decrease fairly rapidly with regard to cases coming from outside the country.

They must have been out of fennel milk.

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With all due respect I would suggest that there are more pressing issues than stocks of Ferrero Rochere. Meanwhile, keep yourself safe, think of the Christmas market.

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Correct about the rocher. But stocks of kinder and nutella are walking out the door as parents try anything to keep the little brats quiet


Only seeing this now. Condolences to all in what must be surreal circumstances.

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Tis very easy to go through a box of kinder bars to be fair.

That nutella should be banned. It’s like heroin for them

Nabbed a 24 pack of them in Lidl on Friday, they’re all gone now.

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Crack cocaine.

Only a despair junkie would watch past the first 15 minutes of 6.01


I’m giving it a swerve from now on. I’ll catch the updates on here or on the 9

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Well that’s a loo-t target if ever there was one


*I think I’m gone full mental

Any of the bean counters see the SCBI CV loan conditions? I mean ffs.