Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Two weeks ago and I came home early in anticipation of a lock down. We are fooling around for two weeks now. Itā€™s a joke and people die because of it.

Shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible

One form of exercise a day ā€“ for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household

Any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person

Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home

Thatā€™s all ā€“ these are the only reasons you should leave your home.

You should not be meeting friends. If your friends ask you to meet, you should say No.

You should not be meeting family members who do not live in your home. You should not be going shopping except for essentials like food and medicine ā€” and you should do this as little as you can. And use food delivery services where you can.


You had three days worth of grandstanding on social media by Irish people after Leoā€™s speechā€¦all sticking the boot into the UK. Theyā€™ve now gone into lock down and Leo is banging on about Sinn Fein.


How would we police lads waiting for a test who leave their homes?

What work would qualify?


Frontline services youā€™d imagine, and logistical stuff maybe

People need to calm the fuck down. Do what they are told and trust the experts.

We CANNOT contain this, we need this to continue infecting people, but at an acceptable rate that our hospitals can cope with.

Currently we are at an acceptable rate. If we can keep going like this thereā€™s no need to step it up. If we cannot THEN we need to press the red button and shut everything down. If we shut everything down the plan will NOT be to stop it, it will be to slow it back down again to a rate the health service can cope with. Thatā€™s winning, winning is not stopping it. That ship sailed months ago.

Hopefully we can limp on like this until treatments improve and then get into the summer when it should hopefully slow and we can resume some sort of normality.


Apologies but Iā€™m getting lost in terminology here.

Is this a lockdown?

I would have thought a lockdown meant the need to have to leave the house with ā€˜permissionā€™.

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Our tests results are 6 days behind so weā€™ve no idea really whatā€™s going on. Go into lock down now.

Itā€™s not as strict as France where you need a note.

You want a full lockdown. You said you were waiting to be tested but still left the house.

You know a full lockdown requires the same civic duty and co-operation as is currently the case. We donā€™t have the manpower to arrest people or send them home. Itā€™s done by consent.

He didnā€™t leave the house while waiting to be tested in fairness that was a joke.

I agree with you. Countries that have gone into full lockdown had no interim measures and are in panic mode. We need to see what effect the current measures have.

There will be a hell of a lot more political and social media pressure put on leo now though. I think going into full lockdown too early will actually be damaging.

Incremental measures, fine.

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Literally 99% of what he says is a joke ffs.

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Testing is important but the results donā€™t really matter. The number of people in ICU beds is what matters.
In theory you want as many people as possible to be already infected because we are doing fine on the ICU front so far.



People need to wake upā€¦once we didnā€™t go into some sort of lock down and stop flights from Italy, it was just a case of slowing it, not stopping it. Plenty of people think we are taking measures to stop it :blush:ā€¦that horse bolted a month ago.

Yeah, that correlates all right ; Purple Monkey, Dishwasher!

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People will never understand that though.

Tfk will but not the rest of the world.