Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I change my mind several times a day mate on multiple subjects.

Went for a run around Dublin 5 and 13 earlier. Roads very quiet

Thats the intent id say

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Could we control it by actually selectively infecting the young and non vulnerable. Get x amount of people with immunity, rinse repeat. If the virus never goes away we will be in some form of restricted living until this happens organically. Why not speed the process up and actually control it

It may not be viable but neither is living like we are for 12-18 months

Plenty of sense in what you’re saying but equally there are compelling arguments for lockdown now

  • economic activity will slow down with the UK being in lockdown anyway. Alignment makes some economic sense if you reckon we will hit lockdown eventually

  • slowing down a small number of cases might not be as valuable as slowing down an overwhelming number of cases but we are struggling to cope with testing volumes as it is and some time to catch up or not fall drastically behind would be useful.

  • with our test results lag we are exposed to a window of increased volumes before we see the stats. You’d imagine we have some sight of what’s coming down the tracks from tests carried out but ultimately we are working off stale information on numbers of cases.

  • protecting ICU might not be an immediate requirement but buying time to better equip our ICU and other related treatments, tests, equipment can’t be a bad thing.

I don’t think we need to panic but there is value in slowing this down even now. The value is helped by the public support for those measures which would help compliance and hopefully reduce frustration and calls for an end to it.

So you’re left with balancing that slowdown with the fact you are infecting fewer people and have still more to come. But to me, on balance, the flatter that curve can be the better.


When did Ireland start suppression efforts? The pubs were still open in Italy when they had 1,000 dead already. Every western country has fucked this up, why can’t people get this inside their heads.

We might look back later and conclude a controlled herd immunity approach may well have been the best of all bad options, we just don’t know yet. What if the lock down has to go on for 9 months, a year? How many will die for reasons other than COVID-19 because of the impact? It’s a very fluid and completely set of problems, there are no easy answers.

mean while in Limerick, the traffic is so bad at McDonalds drive thru the guards are out directing traffic… That’s where the average mindset is at


But we could go into full lockdown for no reason.

We don’t have the data from the measures we’ve already taken. It could be working.

We are nowhere near ICU capacity yet.

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Please stop trying to spread false equivalence when you know full well the US’s response has been by far the worst of any western country.

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Id say the next few days numbers in the UK must look really bad the way bojo has shit him self.

Fuck McDonald’s they pulled a pr stunt. Making a fortune today. Should have pulled the plug last night if they were serious.

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We don’t know fully who is vulnerable though, you could be killing people who have undetected underlying conditions. There are horrible moral issues here, no matter what is done.

We need to do it now because there’s a three week lag between new cases and them affecting ICUs.

6 o’clock news, maybe repeat now, interviewed horse racing head, oh we’re doing all the right things, followed HSE recommendation yada yada, camera cuts to 3 lads pawing each other. #cunts

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The Shinners have been consistent in their online campaign alright

It’s a bit of a cod alright.

I have accessed SBCI funding on dozens of occasions with various projects and they are extremely flexibile. I saw the terms and they are gobbledygook but Id say youd squeeze about anything you wanted into one of the innovation buckets and Im sure will become clearer.

I rang them last week the day the scheme was announced and Id say they had zero warning of it. They will use that fund no doubt

So that’s where they are hiding.

And theres a 3 week lag between us seeing if the measures taken are working.

The government and experts always said they would look at evidence to see if people were complying with “social distancing” and if numbers were flattening

How do you police a lock down UK style
How does a cop know if it is my first or third walk or run of the day or if I am bringing groceries to my elderly parents or off to visit a mate

A lockdown really only means shutting all non essential business and does that cost more than it gives in a benefit analysis

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