Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I feel like I’ve done a great job badgering @Malarkey into addressing a few of his points and exposing himself as an absolute idiot in doing so.

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Our politicians are gutless. That needs to be worked into the xg equation… Our hope is most of Europe motoring and us being shamed into it. I suppose we’ll see how good the vaccine is come June as thousands of riddled southerners flee across the border to the vaccinated North.

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The 14 day quarantine will be abandoned, the only people who will quarantine are those that are genuinely sick (and @Batigol 's lads who don’t want to go to work because they have the vaccine flu).

Open the fucking barbers ta fuck


This is exactly it and we knew it from the get go too, we will still be county bound in August while the Premiership games across the way will have crowds of up to 30 odd thousand depending on stadium size.

Next October will tell a lot in relation to these vaccines here.

The fact that they’re now saying they’re effects are not permanent leads me to believe we’ll be in level 5 lockdown next winter again, I’ve no doubt about it cc @backinatracksuit

Hope I’m wrong but I think a lot of people are in for a big shock.

Lockdowns are what is being deemed as the only tool to fully prevent future waves.


The fucking flu :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Ah they can’t man there will be uproar, this is the final one we don’t have the money to keep people afloat much longer on PUP. The country will be in ruins.

If it transpires like I reckon it will,

There won’t be uproar at all mate.

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No, I am not. I am just a pragmatist who can think clearly. You trundle out slogans such as ‘zero Covid’ because your mind is so extraordinarily slow. You can only ‘think’ in cliché. Equally, you are a paranoid loon. A helluva lot of disadvantages, there.

I would not look down on your stupidity, because it is a matter of genetics in large part, except that you are so badnatured, which is not entirely genetic.

A = orange.

B = citrus fruit.

C = lime.

But does A equal C?

Take your time.

And sure then tell us your great plan. Solve all the world’s problems and become a billionaire overnight!

@Tierneevin1979 please answer this.

Anna Geary has pelvic floor exercises up on Instagram. Worth a watch.


This has been the biggest cash grab in the history of cash. If lads can suspend their woke sensibilities long enough to believe in the existence of a military industrial complex then they might grasp the notion of a covid industrial complex. This caper will continue for as long as people are stupid and afraid enough to keep buying into it.
You cant be anything but sympathetic towards fellas that still believe in lockdowns and masks.



Take away or significantly reduce
the PUP for workers and the financial aid for the hospitality industry while putting them on another lockdown and you will have riots.

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Any chance you might try and frame a coherent argument.

You’ve over 100 posts in this thread and the few where you have began to allow probing and questioning of your viewpoint have displayed there is absolutely nothing of logic or nothing based on facts or data. You’re the hysterical, abusive screaming type who doesn’t like being challenged.

Every sane person is against lockdowns. I think they were unnecessary and I believe the facts support that.

Others don’t and think they were a necessary evil.

They won’t do that though.

Thats the key right there regarding social unrest.

Whats another 20 billion on top of 200 billion plus national debt that we already have.

The virus will vary or mutate until the end of time.

This is a good question and lots of people think the same way. We are close enough to having the vulnerable all vaccinated now, here’s my understanding of why we can’t just say grand open up now.

The major difference in covid is its speed of transmission through the population (and that’s gotten faster due to the British variant). If say we opened tomorrow, it would spread again very quickly. That would be hugely disruptive to lots of things, like the ongoing vaccination at mass vaccination centres. The thing about covid is that it reaches very big numbers very fast, and continues to grow very fast. If cases are unchecked they double and double and double. Even if only a small percentage of people get very sick, a small percentage of a very big number is a lot of people, and can overwhelm a health system quickly.

I have sympathy for the view that two weeks of a flu would be grand, why not just work away. But at this stage after a year of it I think it would be silly to take too much risk, when you have vaccines actually on hand and can just wait another month or two and have nearly everyone vaccinated and have a much more stable environment then.