Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I read the whole sentence. Same story.

So you are saying: let Covid-19 off through society once the vulnerable are vaccinated. Is this notion your position?

Keep vaccinating and open up yes. Can you answer my question or not?


As opposed to…

Temper, temper… You are fuckin’ destroyed. And you know it.

A = golf ball.

B = white and round.

C = table tennis ball.

But does A equal C even though they both contain B?

With you, I will have to refrain from saying: think about it.

But: tell us your plan. Go on. You could become a billionaire overnight.

Not talking that shite.

What is your question?

Any chance you’d answer the question?

No. You’ll just spoof away.

You want every single individual vaccinated? No dice until then?

The Israelis are all but vaccinated and they still have restrictions on numbers that can gather etc. We’re not gonna magically just open up… It will be small steps.

If we can’t open up after all the over 50s and younger vulnerable people are vaccinated we may as well resign ourselves to forever lockdown. Covid is now endemic and will be with us for our lifetimes and probably the lifetimes of our great grandchildren. It has essentially replaced the flu, a major global evolutionary event. It will continue to mutate and throw different variants at us that dodge existing vaccines, so we will be in a battle with it every season for a long time. But we are in good shape to fight it now thanks to science.

The good news is that our immune systems will adapt and get better at fighting it off, and over time it hopefully will become like the other four coronas that cause the common cold.


I’ll repeat myself for a third time so. Why do infection rates matter once the vulnerable have been vaccinated?


Lockdowns are hugely destructive to society. Opening up needs to be weighed against that. If people are not going to get sick or die in large numbers, then opening up (some extent at least) becomes the only option

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Because, if nothing else, high infection rates lead to a rolling partial lockdown, which disallows,normal society in significant part.

Can you grasp that point?

That is frightening, how long do we hold ourselves to ransom, 12 months? 12 years? Once those who need it most are covered we need to get things moving.

So you are actually a Zero Covid nutcase. Thanks for finally admitting it.


That is someload of bumpkin.

You’re a zero covid nutter.

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Why would it disallow normal society if the vulnerable have been vaccinated?


We’re fcuked …Brits are open ,EU are beginning to question us…American MNC’s pissed off too…we’re drifting into the abyss with nobody at the wheel who can think two steps ahead on anything

Look, I use logic and common sense. I could not see much sense in opening back up, which I really want for every sort of reason, unless there is a strong chance no further lockdown will be required. To make out that strong chance, you will need a high percentage of a given society vaccinated. What other route is there, once loonery is left out of the equation?

It is simply not possible to go back to normal once the vulnerable is vaccinated.

There has to be a period where the infection rate and hospital rate etc is monitored to ensure that the vaccine is having the desired effect.