Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Yeah. Funnily enough I didn’t see it that way. I thought it commented on the tragedy, the cruelty of the situation, the fact that we’re told staff etc are worked to the point of exhaustion, that we’re supposedly in the midst of a deadly pandemic etc …all amidst this incongruous phenomena of twee dance routines. I thought it was quite effective and provocative. I didn’t think the commentary or observation was focused on the medical staff. Perhaps it would have been more effective if the likes of hancock, hoolahan, fauci or similar were dancing in the final frame. Would that have helped?

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@enrique @glenshane

I haven’t seen these dance routines in empty hospitals so I have no clue about them.

The “heroes” as you put it @Enrique … you couldn’t do their job. And by describing frontline health care staff in that way you’re clearly a cunt. So fuck off and die … but don’t stop off in a hospital looking for help on the way.

@glenshane you can put whoever you like in your juxtaposition but for me healthcare staff wouldn’t feature. There are few who would say that staff in hospitals haven’t done their absolute utmost for patients over the last year. And I say that as someone who has had 2 relatives, a good friend and 2 other acquaintances die of this thing. Also, in passing, I know of a man - fit as a fiddle - who took covid last year. Hasn’t been able to get out of his bed hardly for the last 6 months.


Here is one example @TheBlackSpot

So you interpreted it as a comment on medical staff. You think it shows staff celebrating the death of a patient. That’s a remarkable and irrational interpretation. I think you’re completely wrong and don’t think you have some right to decide that all other interpretations are invalid.
I’m sorry for your loss

I didn’t say any other interpretation was invalid.

What I said was that normal interpretation of a cartoon strip is timeline like so we have
1: An elderly man who is ill
2: A visitor (probable relative\daughter) unable to be close
3: The grief and regret of that person as the man presumably dies (one last time)
4 Again the grief at the darkened bed and in the background (forgive the stereotyping) a doctor and 4 nurses dancing

A cartoon strip is a story. And that’s the story of this cartoon strip. at least tby the normal interpretation of cartoon strips.

Thank you for your consideration.

Would you ever go away and catch yourself on.

I can sit right here and get a grip on myself. You however might be more comfortable in Tanzania :smile:


Nowhere near the ball. Keane on Haaland job

He didn’t address any of the criticism :joy:

so called front line staff to be more precise that in many cases have their salaries funded by the taxpayer

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Otherwise known as which county has the biggest cunts of guards.

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A county with a large degree of cunts too

Leitrim should be top. 300 rule breakers at one event out of a population of 30,000.

Fair enough

I called this a month ago.

Sure its impossible to get numbers down to zero if you’re relying on pcr testing…unless you only test 50 or so people and have a little luck along the way.

My people are striking for their freedom

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Revealed the worst places for touts and wankers of guards