Coronavirus - Here come the variants


The poor fucker is dialling into the warsaw virtual Paddy’s Day gig next Wednesday evening.


Sums up this absolute farce

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You’re better than this mate.

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In an earlier generation he’d have ended up as a harmless curate in a parish on the Northside of Cork. Now somehow he has ended up in he most powerful job in the State.


A text book play of the man not the ball there by Dr Staines.

And didn’t even attempt to deny it.

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No. I was waiting for that bit.

Only Ronan Mullen can save us now.

Something something Obama, something something How dare you question us

Better than what? Taking the piss out of the whole tragic hypocritical scandalous clusterfuck?

better than suggesting doctors and nurses are reacting with glee to death and grief

No one is suggesting any such thing. Did the hospital in mayo remove their ludicrous video of doctors and nurses prancing around an empty hospital?

That’s exactly what’s being suggested by that cartoon strip you posted.

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I see. So you just saw someone dying and some doctors and nurses reacting gleefully? Is that all you saw?

a cartoon strip. 4 clips. left to right. The punchline being the 4th (bottom right). That’s what I saw. It’s how cartoon strips work. The final one carries the message.

You didn’t see any significance in the fact that the old man died alone without his daughter being allowed to hold his hand? I thought that was significant myself.

It certainly is. It has been the case for too many people. But still the punchline of the strip is a doctor and nurses dancing to the death and grief.

The first 3 cartoons depict a desperate situation. The fourth is an absolute travesty.

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The punchline is the juxtaposition of a man dieing alone due to these restrictions while these very restrictions are beung used by certain frontline ‘heroes’ to prance around empty hospitals to choreographed dance routines to then upload on the internet for clout. Absurd behaviour