Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Fucking state of that

If only the FDA and PHE would get with the programme

Interesting tbf, questions I would have are any of these people sick or tested positive? Does the vaccine cause a positive test? I haven’t a clue on either of those. Considering the vaccine will not prevent you getting it but prevent serious illness.

Toby is a moron.

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It takes 10 to 14 days to start to build immunity, maybe some let their guard down a bit after getting the vaccine. The vaccines do not cause a positive test.

He’s not a complete moron. And the daily mail hasn’t just pushed the propaganda the way most of the papers have…andbhe doesn’t work for phe or the FSA regardless

Wasn’t sure about the positive tests but its been well published about the 2 weeks before effect

Don’t most of our illnesses or diseases come from the mingling of the species… That small percentage of neanderthal DNA causes a lot issues.

Besides you can’t pick and choose who else you’re in the trench with. Ain’t that right @Lazarus

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Your Twitter feed has some bunch of characters on it :grinning:. What does Charlie Nicholas have to say on the matter?


Most of our diseases come from social and environmental factors, like overcrowding in cities and handling/eating wild animals. The Neanderthal DNA conveys some benefits (Limerick hurling) and some negatives (Limerick hurling).


The whole world has gone mad. The guardian has turned into a right wing rag, the daily mail is leftist agitation while matt letissier is still a legendary centre forward


Le Tiss is proof that someone with my work ethic could have made it with a bit more skill.

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Vlad is the man.

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I can see teachers now becoming Zenit season ticket holders before the end of the season.


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Fucks sake

That’s the vaccine number

I see. We are over the hump guys :muscle:
One more push for freedom!