Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Good auld ding dong between Mark Paul and Holly Cairns there.

Did you ever think of writing a letter to the Irish Times.

Holly was shown up a bit there all truth be told

Bit of plot twist that the biggest anti vaxxers around at the minute are the Zero Covid crew.


@Batigol raised this recently. They’re given airtime whilst OIUTF fans are labeled head bangers

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The lefties are a little over keen on locking people up.

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Whats a letter?

Dear Editor

Open it up ta fuck




Bandon Grammar

Stainesy trying to tell lies again

It’s absolutely incredible

She wasn’t ready for an impartial journalist observer to call out her nonsense. She had to resort to the seething smile of somebody who’s been schooled.

Do the zero coviders have the same unfettered access to the media over in the UK? I know they have some of them but they seem far more prevalent and widespread here.

This ad with this Baz cunt. Bank of Ireland are committed to your financial well being. :grinning::grinning:

I can’t wait to go mad on the beer in Belfast in the summer

Spent most of last working week with LBC on in the background, you wouldn’t believe the difference in reporting on covid, across all of the different presenters.

Where is that filmed ??

No idea

An LBC style setup would do well here right now

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Did the chap on the Primetime video say the Swedes were willing to live with deaths for the greater good?