Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Nick Ferrari would make shit of backbench FF or FG TD’s

It would they cover all sides across their presenters, instead of your typical Irish Station.

Nick Ferrari is a bit of a cunt at the same time

‘End is truly in sight’ - Taoiseach urges public to stick with Level 5 measures

I think I may need spectacles

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There’s a whole field of study dedicated to finding new variants and defining how dangerous they are. Some of the shit they are coming up with is glorious. If you are in a room with someone who has the new B.1.147/B.1.149 9 (a double barreled variant) you have a 36% chance of getting infected compared to 28% for the UK variant. Fuck off cunts. They will be seething if we don’t get another few waves.

That’s actually law over there, to give balance, even for commercial stations. It’s what sets them apart from the US. I doubt our lot ever even allow for such considerations

Was talking to the sister there earlier. She said there’s more life watching an online funeral than in Micheal Martin.

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She must fancy herself as the next Jessica Ardem

I hear the Californian variant is bad news altogether gentlemen :frowning_face:

A great radio station. Nick Ferrari is a great bit of stuff.

If the vaccines don’t work as seems to be their new thing what’s the end goal of Zero Covid? Never leave Ireland again?

That’s interesting, everyday is a school day.

He’s forever cutting off people with counterpoints, which I guess is his prerogative

A democrat governor is about to get his nuts shredded.
It was the Californian variant wot done it

See if you can work out what’s going on.

Has this gained any traction today?

Why not release them all? Assuming it’s legit.

Just quoting them is weak enough. Not even screenshots.

No. It’s Gript. Nobody pays it a blind bit of notice.

Edit. Apart from @glenshane on one of the other Covid threads.


He said something along those lines.

My sources are telling me this is indeed desperate news but I have checked the Worldometer and cases in Cali have fallen off a cliff in recent weeks. :man_shrugging:

It hasn’t been vetted by the indo, the times or rte. They know what’s best for us.