Coronavirus - Here come the variants

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Covid was visiting itā€™s mother

I assume Covid will be taking Patrickā€™s Day off as well.

You can chalk it. Itā€™ll be over in Cheltenham for the week again

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Thatā€™s where it was last year anyway.

No vaccinations on St Patrickā€™s Day will be like a puck of a shillelagh in the jaw of our health workers.

The Bould Luke fairly called out NIAC on Radio one there. You see

Luke is gasping for a pint.

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A work colleague remarked that the big funeral in Leitrim was a real slap in the face to the law abiding citizens and I had a little snigger to myself at the alternative versions of the phrase knocking about here.


Iā€™d drink a pint with Luke. Be good craic Iā€™d say.

They take the goals down in Mary I every year. Thatā€™s not anything, they have group 4 security in there though and they are moving large groups of unaccompanied kids.
The pitch there is wrecked, itā€™s usually immaculate, itā€™ll take a lot of money and work to bring it back to life




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A fong up the hole.


These undercover cops arriving like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and the Shamrock Super Rovers casuals

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Jesus the narrative changed quickly ā€¦all of a minute between tweetsā€¦

Bonkers stuff.

Imagine them lads at the everard protest in engerland the other day

Denis Irwin was right about the Dutch cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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