Coronavirus - Here come the variants


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Nobody dies or gets vaccinated on Mondays

I doubt that’s true

He gave a bit of lip.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

4th lad out of the van there is hopping to bate someone. Like a kid on Christmas morning.

Cowardly cunts


Nice work there to use the van to help. Like a good full back using the sideline

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Being on a bicycle is reason enough


A bit harsh. He wasn’t a MAMIL

Very disturbing. Thank god fir the RA, they’d never try that in Ireland.


I caught this earlier. My life partner was watching the Monday press conference for a change (cc @mickee321) and I heard this NPHET voice I’d never heard before. His answer below was in response to a question about whether it was appropriate for people to attend a planned protest about violence towards women in light of the murder in London last week and ongoing restrictions etc etc (long sentence, please consider revising). Anyway, Ronan Glynn was being evasive, not wanting to get drawn on a sensitive issue before this Dr Ray Walley chimed in and said…the way I’d answer this is you shouldn’t be attending family funerals so you shouldn’t be attending a protest. These lads are headbangers.


Imagine going to say goodbye to a loved one. Have they not heard
about slaphead Nolan‘s Ro? Where is their respect for models?


Jesus, these fuckers get worse.

A misfortune on their deathbed - literally - and they use the family going to say their final goodbyes to score points. It’s unbelievable really.

Most hospitals are only allowing a couple of visitors in to visit patients currently, when the patient is at end of life or else it’s a child. (There’s a ban on general visitors). Certainly you wouldn’t have 15 or 20 people in the room at one time.

It’s entirely possible only two or three relatives caught covid off the dying patient, if the visitors were wearing PPE the chances of catching it were much reduced too.

I’d imagine the NPHET mouthpiece there is being economical with the truth, carefully worded to create as much fear as possible.

Blaming immediate family for being with their loved one at the end is low, even for them. Pretty despicable actually.


A bang of Enda Kenny “I was talking to somebody the other day anecdote that supports my point and paint me in a good light” off that.


There was a Cork fella like that too?

And him in person at a press conference that could be done by zoom

What a cunt


Spot on. A fair tweet from this woke fella here too.

They lose credibility when coming out with shit like this.

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Aiden is an inspiration, a breath of fresh air