Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Speaking of which. Another number out of the tombola that is way off

No one hands back power. The government urgently need to step in here. This is getting absurd

The Coronacoaster cunts are about to be derailed.

What are the odds? Wrong again.

Best thing that could happen

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Why do they always give a low number in the afternoon and then a higher number in the evening time? Could they not just count it all first?

Today’s positive swabs are the best guess of tomorrow’s reported numbers. Yesterday’s positive swabs of 343 suggest a number around 350 will be reported at 6pm today

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Unlikely the day before Patrick’s day. I’d suggest a number closer to 1,000.

Concerning implications for the Worry Index heading into the bank holiday. Do they not have any held in reserve?

You’d wonder is he dragging down the excel formulae or refreshing the pivot tables.

“A crisis of compassion…80% herd immunity…ivermectin…papers on treatment simply cant get published in major medical journals…glenshane was right all along”


It’s like the Spinnaker on a Saturday night.

It’s thonged too.

If that’s get the case I’ll get on board the conspiracy train

Outdoors I notice.

In Ireland there would be a nasty bit of cloud cover developing with a blast coming in from the Atlantic.

Just in case anyone was feeling optimistic, Paul Reid is now out promoting the 4th wave.

The fifth wave will be waving Paul goodbye