Coronavirus - Here come the variants


Say what you like about the Israelis but they look after their own. Put their money where their mouth is and have forked out to protect their citizens and economy.


Long term it’ll save them money

Paddy will be under the bed even after we’re all vaccinated.

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Why do you think the tans are removing the right to protest. Boris is no idiot, a warning Syria might be his best option…not that labour are a remote threat

If they start administering the Astrazeneca vaccine again and someone suffers from a blood clot could there be a case of a medical negligence claim?

It happened with the swine flu vaccine.

its a real cuntish thing to do. I’ve since seen on twitter that the family member has been on newstalk

and didnt appreciate being used. I didnt hear the interview, but they are right, you wouldnt give it a second thought. There really are horrible traits in human behaviour coming out of all this shit. Curtain twitchers and shamers and authoritarian people who think they are in charge and the only ones whose opinions count. Not to mention those intentionally trying to scare and frighten people into submission.


Serbia was streaking ahead on vaccines, just behind UK I think, and went for an OIUTF policy, but rates have shot up and now they’re reintroducing the bed.

I think what we’re seeing is that even with the vulnerable portions of society vaccinated, it’s too soon to just let it rip. Won’t please many on here.

I’ve occasionally come across doctors like Dr Walley. Big egos and lacking in empathy. Thankfully they are in the minority. If he lectured a family member like that in front of me, he would have received a literal rather than a metaphorical smack to the face of a frontline worker.


These fucking nerds have completely lost the run of themselves and the cowardice of this government is breathtaking even by normal politicians standards.


They’re more usually surgeons. I remember telling a surgeon friend one time that he would get a dig off a family member one day and he would deserve it. Think he took it on board and tried a harder. He said that hospitals have psychologists who put a fair amount of effort into coaching a bit of emotional intelligence into their doctors.

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There will be a day of reckoning yet. The anger levels among reasonable people are rising.


Rates shooting up amongst 18-50 years olds means very little in terms of deaths though?

Unless someone is obese.

I’m angry and I’m not going to do a damn thing about it.


I presume there must be a reason they are restricting again because they’ve been taking a lax approach for a long time. I think that people tend to forget that when the thing reaches very big numbers then a lot of people get very ill even if percentage wise it is small.

NPHET will be going mad tonight. The sun has brought the crowds into town and onto the Green.
It’s thronged.

It’s glorious.

Nice bit of sun from now til May and Montrose will be burning by June.


The vaccine companies have negotiated brand new shiney agreements, they wont be liable and I’d say anyone taking the vaccine has signed away any rights

They’ll have indemnities from government but you cannot exclude liability for personal injury or death arising from negligence.

There’ll be internment if you’re caught outdoors looking like you’re enjoying yourself. The lack of respect for Phillip Nolan’s model is disturbing.