Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Covid cases in limerick have gone off a cliff. Every should be having parties in the street is the only obvious conclusion

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They are actually down 70 or so from this day last week

Getting Covid is your cheapest sureshot way to get a holiday this summer.

Limerick is below the national average now at 128/100k. No College Court spike.

All the Munster counties below the national average. Dirty Dubs and midlanders letting the side down



Cark needs to declare independence based in case numbers and open the pubs. Myself @Copper_pipe and @Thomas_Brady are declaring refugee status to get a haircut and pints in the peoples Republic

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Standard marketing tactics. A fake shortage should create a bit of panic to offset the blood clot scares. A note of desperation setting in though…

How’s the tracker app going?


That was some cod in fairness.

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I’d love to see the contract that was signed around that. Are we tied in for 3-5 years I wonder?

Keeps telling me about a horse called the Pine Martin that runs in places like Ludlow.

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I’d say it’s a job… A few Indian fellas logging their symptoms from some sweat box in northern Bangalore.


151661 wankers in the country. I thought it would be more. That said I bet not one of isag or nphet bothered their hole


Restrictions have to be lifted as soon as possible. The amount of suicides lately is shocking. George Lee tonight said the variants are sweeping the country. Amazing considering their was only 10 cases in Cork today. This madness has to stop. Pubs dont have to open but barbers, pools, gyms should open along with training for everyone.


There’s only a few more weeks of this variant lark that they’ll get away with. Crunch zone for the country really, we have 2-3 weeks to start getting 200k plus in arms per week before people go mental.


Cork is ridiculously low for the size of the county and population. I was at an illegal parade and it was the opinion of all attendees. Kids on toy tractors and bikes was great. Everyone had masks sure it was a way to mark the day at least


They need to keep some of the new variant powder dry to help resell the vaccines in the autumn…unless as some pundits suggest, genuine new variants will evolve to bate the vaccine and wipe out humanity…they’d argue that vaccinating during a pandemic is a mad thing to be at.

Schools back is going to relaunch it.

I think the public are discerning enough to figure out the variant stuff at some point.

Well said Mark Paul, one of the few journalists to talk about the strain on so many sectors of our society.