Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Are you sure about that? Let’s do a quick check on the math.

~7% of Covid deaths in the UK are under 60, so that’s ~9,000 deaths. Roughly 3 million tested positive in that age bracket, so if we double it for asymptomatic cases, we get an IFR of 0.15% which sounds about right based on global studies.

Do you happen to have the number of people who have died from vaccine side effects to hand? Out of the 24 million in the UK that have been vaccinated.

I didn’t say risk of death

Risk of sneezing?

But anyway…I’m not sure, which is why I said “apparently”. It gets me out of jail should the internet blow up in my face.

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EU sets out plan for coronavirus pass to allow free travel by summer

There seems to be a strange logic among commentators online that coming out of lockdown and then having to go back in (as some countries are doing in a regional, targeted basis) is a catastrophe but staying in one endless lockdown is ok


Yes. I don’t get that myself. But I’ve heard it said that another lockdown would be the end of Micky Martin. Maybe it’s the putting the businesses to the expense of reopening and then shutting them again. Otherwise I don’t know.

Business cost, political capital, public mood/compliance, not to mention if things spike to the extent strong restrictions are reintroduced it likely means there has been a loss of life.

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New lockdown announced here today from next weekend. Until April 9th. Shopping centres closed again. Primary schools back online. Swimming pools and fitness closed again. No restrictions on church attendance though. No penalties if you don’t wear a mask on public transport but there are if you don’t wear one in the street. Not much of a lockdown really.

The need to go in to another lockdown would suggest an increase in hospitalizations and fatalities, bit like Christmas/January. I’d imagine that’s the logic.

A former frequent poster on here used to say the same during the first lockdown, which was the longest in Europe. It would be devastating to lockdown again apparently and we needed to make sure we had all of the systems in place. By the third lockdown after he had ignored their failure to implement said systems there was another excuse. I’m sure he’d have another now.



Not great numbers but Wednesday is usually a big day as people wait until the Monday after the weekend to get tested.

It’s time they started telling us exactly where the numbers are coming from…how much if that 500 odd is community?

Is like to know the age groups. How the fuck are there still a lot of cases?

Of today’s cases, 74% were under the age of 45, with a median age of 29.


Young people.

Wish they’d stop getting themselves tested.


George Lee delighted to announce gravely that its obvious cases are going up.

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Fuck him. Fuck em all… Enough is enough.

Zen is being parked.

I’m encouraging disobedience from here out. All these fucks have in their arsenal is lockdown, time to force them to sort their shit out.