Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Are they ignoring the rhinoceros in the closest when it comes to re-opening schools? We are now two weeks since schools reopened on a limited basis and the decline in cases has basically halted.

There will be other factors in play such as lockdown fatigue, but it there seems to be a very deliberate message to not mention the schools, and to instead push the blame back on the general population.

ā€œHousehold transmissionā€ is a nonsense categorization of cases. Covid didnā€™t sneak in an open window.


Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s rich coming from a cunt such as yourself :smile:


Iā€™m just observing your own admissions. You had a pot shot at a poster when it turns out your comments were based on sheer ignorance and now you resort to insults in turn. Thatā€™s usually what an ignorant person would do when challenged.


Okay, Mr Expert in all fieldsā€¦

You are weak of mind my friend.

Iā€™ve no dog in this particular fight but, as a more recent poster to forum, it is noticeable how you resort to personal barbs moreso than most. Only saying it for awareness. Can put it with me thumb and stick up my etc etc


So nothing stirring on the GAA front for adults? The ā€˜Eliteā€™ yokey being changed etc.?

Thanks for caring.

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There seems to be some expectations that non contact inter county training will get the green light.


My sources say intercounty teams are gearing up to go back from the 5th of April but that club adult wonā€™t be allowed train until May.


Ignoring it? , they are doing everything they can to forward a narrative that itā€™s not the schools.

Its not the schools lads. Move on.

Plenty of schools in Kerry and fuck all cases there.

Lads always wanting to see the problem. Up and fuck.

Didnā€™t hear anything specific on that, but think @binkybarnes and @TreatyStones have it covered. Inter county will probably be allowed to train on basis of elite status and being outdoors.

As it happens, I was outside Dublin on essential travel today. It was my first time outside Dublin since September. Portlaoise was my destination and it was lovely to see the Christmas decorations up in Market Square. There was also a lovely buzz outside The Courthouse for Thursday/criminal day. Not much else happening in the town.

Nothing beats court day on Main Street, a lovely time for the travellers and skobes to meet up and smoke fags.

Well done Champ


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