Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Id say Champ read Biden to riot act on the zoom meeting.
“Where are the fucking vaccines Joe”

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I’d say it was more like that old Irish polite refusal of a cup of tea.


Don’t think the gga could ever be classed as.elite

No one died on Paddys day. Sound of covid

Wins the gold cup


No mention of schools in the situation analysis (edit: there is actually, but it’s to downplay impact). Philip Nolan said in the press conference this evening (cc @mickee321) that there’s been cases in schools but no firm evidence that outbreaks are caused by the reopening of schools. Coincidentally, he said they had noted increased mobility kicking in around the end of February.


Glynn asking everybody to do a little bit more.

The same lads who need a few days to remobilise vaccine teams :joy:


Martin has to go. A fucking tap in of an Irishman in the whitehouse and he’s let the fucking Beaners get in before us.

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I find it mad that people think the US should have given us vaccines. We already have guaranteed supply to cover more than our population by the end the year. The sense of entitlement is off the charts.

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It would only make a difference of about a month to our plan.


I’d imagine Canada is in a similar situation cover wise? They may have been better focusing on Mexico

Don’t know really. Last time I looked Canada was well behind the EU but perhaps they’ll catch up. I just can’t understand the sense of entitlement of Irish people to think they should get vaccines from the US. We’re miles better covered than about 80 or 90 percent of the world and yet they’re whingeing and pissing and moaning.

An extra month of pints though

Mad they don’t know of any. My missus friend has had 5 in her class and her class is closed. Must not have been reported to Philly, or else he was busy doing shit graphs.

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What were you up for?

Is covid the first respitory virus that the health service were worried about with regards to people with no symptoms?

Surely if you’re not coughing and sneezing you’re not transmitting the virus?


The Fianna Fail wagons are circling here.

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I’d say he was visiting

If it was only transmitted by people coughing and sneezing it wouldn’t be much of an issue

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