Coronavirus - Here come the variants

@Fagan_ODowd and @cluaindiuic don’t like the lads that run gript therefore just ignore it, doesn’t matter that the headbangers that said these things are given unrelenting air time to push their lock people in their home policies

It’s fascinating that Wuhan 1.0 is now being painted as not that serious a virus and these variants are the ones to watch. There was no talk or focus at all about variants until the vaccines were released. It’s almost as if the worry index needs adjusting.


Wuhan 1.0 was a beaten docket early on once B117 took hold. The Amr Zaki of viruses.

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What’s the story with gaa intercounty? Do we at least have that to look forward to while we are cooped up at home for the next 4 months?

#mehole trending on twitter. Safe to say reaction is going well so far :grinning:

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Looks like a May start

He’ll change his mind in the morning so.

I can’t speak for the right honourable Dowdy but I have no idea who runs that site so having an agenda against them is rather difficult.

I have very little time for the ISAG media whores but if this is your smoking gun you need it to resonate and look credible. I’m not seeing that.

cc @Batigol


Spin. Ironically enough.


She’s a pocket rocket :rocket:

He really likes getting his message out to the people.

The worry index needs constant adjusting by the junta.

Interesting to hear the R0 being invoked yesterday for the first time in ages. I predict that it’ll be conveniently sitting at around 1.2 on 5th April and therefore will be used as the reason that restrictions will have to be extended.

I’m expecting a Frost - Nixon type interview tomorrow, from the bould Valerie.

Hard hitting and uncompromising.

Heard the bauld Mary Wilson try to press Varadkar this morning on what numbers/parameters would be needed on 5 April to ease other restrictions like 5km limit etc.

He said R number needed to be below zero and we needed to see what our hospital numbers looked like. That was where she came in to try to get him to be specific on how many exactly in hospital and ICU would they regard as low enough to move on restrictions.

But he extricated himself from it by saying you couldn’t point to any numbers in isolation, they would need to see what the trend is like by that date. Have hospital numbers come down but started to go up again? Is the R number plateaued, still heading downwards or on the way back up?

So it looks like they’re intent on not putting any targets on it for the next few weeks anyway. It’ll all build up again and reach a crescendo around 2 weeks before 5 April when people start to demand more details.


He backs himself to reach out and create a bond with the common people through his charisma.

Cork folk are well odd.

We need dates not data.

Strike that.

Reverse it.

So every person infected has to cure someone?


TBF to the Government on this if they set a date and miss it everyone will go mental at them.

This is a case of wait and see how the Brits go and then use them as cover to get out from under NPHET’s thumb. They can’t be seen to go against NPHET and things exploding again

That ‘R’ rate is the biggest cod of all.

Lads plucking figures from their hole. Actual metrics like those in ICU with covid are dismissed in favour of a figure derived from Little Red Riding Hood.

Cases going down - stick the R rate down for a reduction of 0.25

Cases go up - stick the R rate up for an increase of 0.75